I'm watching MsNBC's Joe Scarborough, with his assemblage of right wingnuts discuss, or should I say, excoriate Russ Feingold's motion for censure of the liar/criminal in chief.
They are in ultra high spin mode. They're going to go after Feingold and call him unreasonable, outrageous, extreme... you can be sure that it won't be long before they call him overemotional, angry. That's their standard modus operandi.
The right wing toilet fillers are going after the division between Feingold and the usual spineless politicians who claim to be democrats-- Pelosi,
Nora O'Donnell, looking like she's taking Ritalin or speed, backs up the proposal that this looks like a political ploy.
Another rightwing whack job, suggests "This is borderline treasonous behavior."
Give me a break. If these sick extremists had their way, sedition would be returned as a law and no- dissent, no criticism of politicians would be allowed.
Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, looking old and talking way too slow for the fast-paced, fake discussion Scarborough orchestrates, tries to discuss the issue with nuance, and Scarborough manipulates him to make weak, simple statements that fit Scarborough's agenda.
It's 10:15 PM, about six hours after Feingold gave his speech. By tomorrow, the official right wing talking points will have been circulated to Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Savage and all the other a**hole traitors who really work for the megacorporations.
These pathetic liars will churn out the venom and vitriole, attacking Feingold, because he just might engage enough democrats to de-rail Hillary and they are dying to have Hillary as the candidate they oppose in the next presidential election. I'm sure they already have scripts for half a dozen swift boat ads for her.
Meanwhile, I attended a meeting of my local Democratic party group-- and there, people thought Feingold was super. Screw what the right wingers say. Screw what Scarborough and the rest of the right wing echo chamber says.
These agents for the right wing were very effective in bringing down Howard Dean, taking him out of the presidential race. Don't let them do it again. Scarborough and his talentless ilk on the right WILL influence the stupid white men who bought the swift boat ads.
Limbaugh will influence the guys with little dick syndrome who need to feel superior to "liberuls"who Limbaugh characterizes as effiminate.
Don't take it. When you find your self in a conversation with a right winger, assume you are talking to a person with diminished intelligence. His or her IQ may be high, but it is impaired by some form of psychological flaw-- some need to feel superior, an inability to functiobn as a part of a community, a parasitic, selfish, narcissistic nature, a feeling of sexual inadequacy, a codependency problem, neanderthal tendencies like racism, xenophobia.
Assume that the right wingnut you are holding your nose to tolerate is one of three things-- a religious nut, a parasitic wealthy person who isn't willing to pay his share back, or he or she is a fool, a dupe who is still supporting a president and party that is screwing him.
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