Then, that person must promise the congress that he or she will open the books and properly investigate the machinations of the Judiciary-- specifically, the actions, decisions, discussions and orders of Gonzales and his subordinates-- and that these will be followed wherever the investigations take them, including the whitehouse, the RCN e-mails, Cheney, Rove, the senators who engaged in interference, like Domenici...
If Bush fails to do that, the congress should reject that nominee.
Joe Scarborough says, "I hope the president will ...appoint someone based on... integrity, character and competence more than loyalty," someone like Casey, who replaced Rumsfeld.
That should not mean that the hearings will be stopped. They should definitely continue, even intensify, with one less person intentionally blocking the investigations.
Let's be clear about one thing. The media have already begun showing they are their true colors, suggesting that "the democrats may have lost one of their best targets," as though Gonzales was THE problem. Gonzales was and continues to be a sympton, like a bolus of snot in a runny nose. Blow it. Get it into a tissue, into a trashcan, and the affliction is still there. The real problem is higher up in the system. yet, as I write this, CNN is allowing Senator John Cronyn <R-TX) speak for several minutes, unchallenged, apologizing for Gonzales, blaming the problem of Gonzales on Democrats, suggesting that this was all political. Pathetic!! More pathetic that CNN allows his statement without citing all the lies Gonzales was caught in, his perpetual memory lapses, the resignations...
Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, has been cited as a likely replacement. He may seem to be a strong candidate, but he has already proven himself to be a failure and major Bush Administration apologist in dealing with Katrina. And we've reported before about <a href="click here unpleasant ties with terrorists.</a>
America needs a nominee who is clearly, definitely an honest, independent trusted, non-partisan, wise, highly qualified stalwart of justice.
If Bush fails to propose anyone with less than these credentials, he will be again betraying America. But it is up to the congress to set these standards. The leaders of congress-- Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer, John COnyers, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter-- should make it clear the criteria they will be using to evaluate Bush's nominee. They should do it today. I'm not saying they should suggest any names. That would be a mistake. THey SHOULD make a statement what kind of person they are looking for.
Bush is plummetting down, historywise, as the worst president in history. He has an opportunity here to at least slow the descent and maybe even turn it around. There are risks. Any decent, non-partisan, highly qualified appointee will have a responsibility to investigate the corruption in the justice department that congressional investigations have already uncovered. The Dems must raise the bar VERY high and absolutely refuse to settle for anyone who does not meet these criteria.
This should and will play out quickly. By the end of today, we'll see if the Democratic leaders in congress will get off their vacation berths and make the statements they need to make, sending Bush the message immediately, that he will not get away with any appointment less than someone trusted by all Americans, who will begin to heal the gaping wounds in the judiciary his appointee Gonzales, and his own manipulations, through Rove, Cheney, etcetera have inflicted upon America.