Coincidently, the suck-ups who worship George's every move are also the false patriots hollering treason, prison and execution for newspaper people.
Which has been more damaging to the security of America?
" The New York Times story about a program which tracks the financial transactions of terrorist organizations, a program so well known, even George Bush has heard of it-a practice commonly referred to as "following the money" and going back to the 30 pieces of silver days?
" George Bush thinking the United States was protected by the oceans before 9/11? He actually admits this ignorant misconception out loud-repeatedly. It's an official talking point, along with the patented, "No one could have predicted__________."
" The President not declaring war on al Qaeda-or even retaliating-after the October 2000 attack on American troops; the suicide bombing of the Navy ship Cole? His weak-kneed, appeasement to bin Laden only emboldened the head maniac.
" Our President doing nothing to beef up security at airports after being warned of possible terrorist hijackings? He thought only "traditional" hijackings were on al Qaeda's docket-friendly little flights to Grandma's house.
" The Presidents choice not to blow the bejesus out of the al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan during his first 8 months in office? Bush wanted save our 8 zillion bombs for a special occasion.
" The Commander-in-Chief choosing not to prepare the military for any type of an attack? Bush didn't even bother to tell the armed forces about the warnings-they were caught totally off guard on 9/11. The boss of a half trillion dollar defense organization and W couldn't get the skies over New York and the Capitol guarded-but he did manage to save some stem cells.
" George Bush not knowing his job on 9/11? He stood around like an Emperor Penguin-and then cut and ran to Nebraska with his pal Karl, the outer of CIA spies.
" Having an administration that couldn't even protect the Pentagon?-or enough sense to get the people in the building to a safe place.
" The condoning of torture, which has ruined America's reputation and raised the level of global animosity towards the U.S.?-making us less secure.
" Going after al Qaeda in Afghanistan, getting bored, and attacking a country with no terrorists, no connection to 9/11 and no connection to al Qaeda?-weakening our armed forces, depleting the treasury and letting bin Laden and friends escape.
" Attacking the one axis of evil country without nuclear weapons, and letting Iran and North Korea off the hook with some stern words? Read his lips; dip-plome-ass-see.
George W. Bush has proven himself to be wholly inept and severely unqualified to protect this country and its people. Every day he spends in office is another day of vulnerability for Americans on this continent and those abroad.
So who are the traitors-the treasonous ones? The people who question the benefit of having a clueless tool in the White House, or those who cover for the bike riding, brush clearing, strutting breach of national security?