George Bush must be ghastly green with envy of President General Perez Musharraf, because Musharraf is doing what Bush has put in place for himself to do, but for some mysterious reasons, thankfully hasn't.
But Bush still has 436 breath-holding, waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop days left in office to enforce his deadly Presidential Directive to declare a "national emergency" for any fool reason of his choosing, enforce martial law, disband Congress, close the courts, try civilians in military courts, shut down the media and cancel the November 2008, presidential elections.
All too frightening to contemplate.
Since Musharraf has declared a national emergency to aid his fight against terrorists? he might as well have declared no reason at all, because to anyone with half a brain, that makes no sense at all.
Jealousy may be the reason for Bush and Condie's tepid responses to Musharraf's actions, and not threatening any remedial action against Musharraf if he doesn't shape up.
Telling Musharraf to take of his military uniform and hold elections scheduled for January is really tough talk for President Git 'Em Dead or Alive.
Speaking of uniforms. George, burn the flight suit.
A Musharraf representative said the "state of emergency" will end in a month, and the January elections will take place in February. Only time will tell, and we're running out of time.
Bush and Dick Cheney better put any plans they have for Iran on hold, because the nuclear armed Pakistan is of utmost importance, and what happens there is of might say life-threatening...importance to us here on planet U.S.A.
The only thing that will put an end to the lie of "if we don't fight the terrorist there in Iraq, we will be fighting them here," is if we don't quell the mess Musharraf is creating in Pakistan, and al Qaida and the religious fundamental radicals take the country over, we will be fighting the terrorists here.