Raging at Foxes
Congressman Conyers is afraid of Fox News. This is an intolerable situation. There is mounting evidence that Vice President Richard Cheney and President George W. Bush are guilty of methodically and with malice aforethought destroying the balance of power between the three branches of government that has made the United States a stable democracy for two hundred and twenty five years (until the first Bush II term). There is ample and increasing evidence from the testimony of Attorney General Roberto Gonzales to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Department of Justice has been systematically and shamelessly politicized to the point where it no longer bears any resemblance to an impartial, separate branch of government. The Vice President has placed himself above the law through arrogance and beyond the law with the preposterous claim that he is an autonomous department under the control of neither the White House nor the Congress. The President rules by fiat through signing statements, claims of executive privilege and by issuing executive orders. He has total disdain for the people through their elected representatives. And our branch of last resort, the Legislative is paralyzed by Rupert Murdoch and cannot even consider our plea for redress. Fifty-four percent of the American people want Dick Cheney impeached. One man with a right-wing media empire trumps fifty-four percent of us? What is wrong with this picture?
What can possibly be right? Are we going to allow this one little man with multi-billions of dollars buy total access to our collective consciousness of the world around us and so lead us to slash our own constitutional throats by punishing those who endeavor to save our democracy? Murdoch has bought or adversely influenced huge swaths of what passes for news outlets in the modern world and continues to use an unconstitutional corporatocracy to sanction his voracious appetite for more, more juicy, ripe minds to indoctrinate with his warped vision of reality. Should we sit on our hands in intellectual superiority and smile at the Fox sheeple as they quote Bill O’Reilly? No, I think we should at least try to reach them with some simple questions occasionally. Maybe something like, “Have you ever actually seen a marauding gang of tough lesbian women, wielding pink pistols and attacking straight men or young girls? Have you ever seen any such gangs arrested or put on trial? Have you ever read an article in any reputable, reasonably objective newspaper documenting such an event? Have you ever seen a report of such a happening on the nightly news or any news or commentary show other than the O’Reilly Factor?” Do you personally know anyone who can honestly answer yes to any of the above questions?
This is the kind of “journalism” that has the power to frighten a congressman?
Those of us who have never fed at Murdoch’s sheeple trough need to forcefully rescue and reprogram those who have and still do. The Foxes are not only in the hen house, they are perilously close to owning the farm. Congress, as pitifully weak as it has become from years of being willingly dominated by a demonstrably inept and corrupt Executive Branch, is our only defense. We are the fifty-four percent who want Dick Cheney impeached. If Fox News does not; if Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, as laughably irrelevant in any sane world as they are; if Britt Hume, as biased as his “phrasing” of “news” reports is; if all these parodies of truth and objectivity, “fairness and balance” do not want Cheney impeached, well tough cookies. If they are frightening our representatives in congress, we need to yank their fangs!
So, what if fifty-four percent of the nation were to write, call and email Congressman Conyers and just leave this emphatic message, “WE DON’T WATCH FOX!?” We watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC! And John Stewart and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central! We watch NPR. We even sometimes watch Scarborough Country; have a laugh at Tucker Carlson or watch Pat Buchanan change his mind. We watch ABC. We read and watch and discern. Have no fear. We have your back. We know what’s comin’ down! Do the right thing. Do the people’s business. Investigate, issue subpoenas, call for special investigators and impeach. House Resolution 333. Three times three is the charm.