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In answer to the question "why is our society becoming so polarized?"

United we stand, or so it’s been said
But it hasn’t been true much of late
A people divided by whatever means
Can end up with too much on their plate

To see that our government spends too much time
And resources on Corporate good
But too little of either on those other things
That would benefit our neighborhoods

So we squabble ‘bout issues like praying in school
And guns and abortion, and such
Our election campaigns are just beauty contests
With ‘debates’ that don’t settle that much

Divisions created are levers, I think
To control us, while they make the rules
If we’re preoccupied with our differences
We’re too easily somebody’s fools

They need us divided in order to run
Things the way that they need them to be
The last thing our corporate rulers would want
Is for We the People to see

What’s become of our democracy.

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Retired Lt. Col. of Marines, technology manager, video producer/editor, and gadfly. Salisbury, MD
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