Perhaps the phrase "putting immense pressure on" is a little too nice. The media seems to be taking over where Republican Party campaigning left off. Where the media isn't attacking the incoming congress, they are promoting the idea that there is disunity among the Democratic Caucus or that Democrats may ignore the voters wishes as stated by exit polling on November 7th. Consider the following articles (you can find more of your own if you go to Google News and simply enter the search term "Democrats", yes; finding negative articles on Democrats these days is THAT easy)
- Democrats' plan to negotiate drug prices is misguided: Fort Wayne News Sentinel
- Democrats clash on immigration policy: Boston Globe
- LOCAL COMMENT: Don't buy the myth that Democrats are not party of rich - The Detroit Free Press
- Democrats must heed mandate:, FL
- "Bankrupt" by David Limbaugh: Understanding the Democrats:
- Democrats aren't ready for prime time: Daily Mail - Charleston, WV
Considered in their totality, I think these articles constitute an unprecedented coordinated attack on an incoming government. In past years, the discussion centered around how many weeks and months a new congress or new President would have for their honeymoon ONCE THEY TOOK OFFICE. These criticisms of the Democratic Congress before their legislative session even begins are partisan journalism at its worst.
Look, I consider myself a minor member of the press and I have made no secret of my ideological bent. Our job is to provide the public with as much information as possible regarding our government. What is happening now is of little or no value. Using innuendo or rumor at most in some cases to report on what 'Representative-Elect' Democrats are discussing amongst themselves in private as they hash out positions and POTENTIAL new legislation is what I can only describe as tabloid political journalism.
The new congress is not even being given a chance to operate before their policies are being challenged and called failures. I think we can put to rest the idea that the media has any sort of Liberal bent. These days, the media seems to be taking their marching orders from Karl Rove and the Blog Free Republic.
If there are any media, publications, journalists, reporters, etc. out there that have any sort of ethics left, my message to them is, "Give it a Rest!". At least let the new congress take their seats and actually start submitting Bills before you start your criticisms. If you really want to do the right thing, why not wait until at least March so some miniscule effects of the Democrats' leadership might be by then evident and thus can at least be discerned.
Republicans used to criticize Democrats for supposedly wishing failure upon them and their policies. What exactly do we have here? Is this wishing Democrats success? The people have spoken. Let's see some fair and accurate reporting that gives the government our people have elected a chance to operate before the harsh and vitriolic comments ensue.