This is the first time that Bush has faced a Congress that didn’t rubber-stamp his decisions. Even though this is a watered down resolution that gives hem until 2008 to remove US troops is enough to rattle his cage. This man wants total subservience. He wants total control. It will be highly interesting to see how Bush deals with a Democratic Congress that has at last dared to question his policies and to implement the Checks that our Constitution allows Congress to bring against the executive branch; “The Power of The Purse”.
Bush should think about holding on to his job. The American people are tired of this “war on terrorism” that is taking everything from this nation and giving nothing in return. The American people have heard far too much from the Iraqi people to ever feel anything but loathing for George W. Bush. Perhaps there are people that don’t read magazines or watch newscasts or just take in a steady diet of FOX that don’t realize what horror he has inflicted on the population of Iraq, but anybody that watched CBS TV this evening and saw Lara Logan tell the nation about the family that lost 14 family members in three years and how a small boy told her that he sold his bicycle because there is nowhere to ride it in Bagdad and that he hasn’t been able to ride it for two years now, understand what is happening in Iraq.
We all understand what is happening in Iraq. War without end. The US and Great Britain against the world. Where is this “grand coalition” that we were told about? Did everyone decide to go home or was it a big lie just as everything else about Iraq that came from this administration? We have been promised a war that will still be raging when George W. Bush leaves the White House. Why not make him leave now? Why not impeach him? Why not cut all funding on the war?