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Sunday Morning Talk

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Timothy Gatto
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Sunday morning talk utterly disgusted me this morning. It seems that the new Republican mantra is “Let the Congress do the work of Congress, and quit trying to play “Gotcha” with the Republicans, and stop investigating and start legislating”. Well folks, we all wish that it were possible to just stop investigating and start legislating. Meanwhile, what the hell do you do when this President vetoes the legislation to fund the troops because he cannot bear the thought of Congress interfering in “his” war? Congress wants to know when, and if, this war will ever be over. Also, what can Congress do when the Executive Branch stonewalls investigations into the Attorney Generals office for possible violations of the law? Should they not investigate so that they won’t appear politically motivated?

Here is another point that maybe the Republicans missed in their fervent desire to get legislation moving again; why is this any different from when the Republicans spent millions of taxpayers dollars investigating nonsensical allegations of scandal in the Clinton administration? What was that whole Whitewater thing about? Here we have an Attorney General deliberately breaking the law and trying to get the former Attorney General, in ICU after a major surgery, to sign off on electronic eavesdropping of US Citizens! Where is the concern for that in the Republican camp? Don’t they believe that this should be investigated?

I’m not proposing that this should be quid pro quid. The investigations that Congress is undertaking now are far more serious than whether the Clintons in their business dealings crossed every T and dotted every i. When we think of Clinton investigations, we usually think about Monica Lewinsky, but it was far more than that. President William Jefferson Clinton was under a microscope even before he was elected President. The Bush political machine that we have all come to know and love, followed him, and in their quest for “justice” turned every page and looked under every rock. This to find out that he had an indiscretion, a dalliance, with an intern… after spending tens of millions of our money doing investigation after investigation! Now, six years later, they are pointing fingers at the Democrats for investigating this nation’s Attorney General for breaking the law, saying that this is a political ploy? Oh please! What do they think the American People are anyway, idiots?

My favorite Senator, Lindsay O. Graham was on Sunday Talk on FOX with none other than Senator Chuck Schumer. He must have loved that. Anyway, Graham had this puss on that conveyed a look of pure disgust, and anger. I can’t positively say he was angry, but it sure looked that way to me. Old Lindsay was still talking about winning in Iraq. I always get chills thinking that he is the one representing me in Congress. If we ever get “Clean Elections” here in South Carolina, I swear that I’m going to run against him (unless there is a gigantic swell of support that will pay the 20 million I would need to get into the race).

I saw Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tx) on CNN’s Late Edition. He was great, even as the moderator that replaced Wolf Blitzer for this episode tried and failed to get him riled up. He answered a question about whether or not we should send the military into Taiwan in case of an attack by China or an attack by North Korea on South Korea by stating that unless our “vital interests” were not threatened… no. He also stated that war, under the Constitution, be left to Congress. Good answer. If only he wasn’t so stubborn about not raising the minimum wage and the privatization of everything.

If you missed this Sunday on the talk shows, you really didn’t miss much. The talk about the new Immigration Bill was interesting. Some are for it, some aren’t. Most said they that they haven’t studied it in detail. I’m off to enjoy my day, I hope you do too.
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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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