Rep. Charles Rangel is prepared to introduce legislation to enact the draft. I know this is going to sound strange, but this is the very best thing that could happen to this country. This could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Rangel see’s it this way and I do too. Could you imagine the chickenhawks sending their sons and now daughters to fight in Iraq for a failed US policy that they embrace? I can see it and Rangel does too.
I served 21 years in the Army. Maybe I should have done something else but I can’t take back the time. I remember the war in Vietnam; I was serving then, from January 1968 onward. I know that the biggest motivator for young people to take an active interest in where this nation was going was the thought of being drafted and actually participating in the flawed policies of Washington. We need that kind of involvement now. Soldiers are serving three and four tours in Iraq. I despise this war and this administration, now it’s time to put up or shut up. They can’t have it both ways; cause wars and meanwhile leave their kids out of it. If they believe so wholeheartedly in this GWOT then send the kids of the Congressmen and the State Department and all the other government agencies. Maybe that will make some Congressional chickenhawks think a little differently about putting American youth in harm’s way.
The Army isn’t the worst thing that could happen to a person. There are many that will write terrible comments about what I’m saying here, but I think I know what I’m talking about. If we are to fight never-ending wars with no thought of the consequences, then we should make it democratic; everyone should have a chance to participate!
Think they’ll be throwing depleted uranium around with reckless abandon when Congressman Smith’s son is stationed in Najaf? Think they’ll vote for more war spending so their son’s and daughters can get full body armor? This causes me to cheer Congressman Rangel! If I can serve, anyone can. Let’s make this an “American” thing, instead of an economic thing where solders enlist because they can’t find a job or go to college. Let’s have a draft with no deferments for college, in fact, no deferments at all. Let’s make this a group effort and let us reap the consequences. There is an old saying by John Milton: “Wars begin when you will, but don’t end when you wish”. Let the games begin!
That’s the way I see it.