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Is the internet declaring war on the vampire elites?

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W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
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With minor variations, what's happening now in America has happened all over the planet from the beginning of record history.

The one percent of less of "Haves" control EVERYTHING – especially politics and religion. So, we shouldn't be surprised that the United States of America is a Dictatorship of the Rich. We also shouldn't be surprised that the elites are rapidly evolving America into a textbook police state.

After all, we really haven't been around that long, so regressing our Constitutional Republic (what a laugh!) into a Nazi-like dictatorship in 300ish years is actually a real accomplishment. Our pitiful little democratic dance is now basically over, so get ready for ZERO privacy, ZERO human rights, and ZERO democracy.

Hitler bragged about what he called the thousand year Reich and it looks like he may bring it off after all. It's just that we didn't expect him to resurrect in America.

But the names are irrelevant. Call it fascism, neo Nazism, corporate totalitarianism, or your hell-word of choice, but it all comes down to something see spot run simple.

Religion isn't the issue; in spite of brain dead Armageddon fanatics who lie awake a night having sexual fantasies about killing Muslims. And politics is such a joke it doesn't even deserve to be mentioned. Take Hillary Clinton (if anyone wants her). Just who/what is this person/thing? She's a kind of doll constructed by James Carville and the DLC to be the token Democrat. Dear God, she's more of a corporate fascist that most Republicans and constantly sucks up the neocon cabal (Bush's advisors who get their orders directly from Israel’s lunatic fringe right wing), and apparently has never once in her entire life taken a moral/rational stand about ANYTHING. And we're supposed to vote for this android.

In your dreams.

So, the bulls eye, the dead center of the Earth's Heart of Darkness is what? What else? It's rich people -- very, VERY rich people. People who spend more on their health in an afternoon than most of us spend on our children's health in a life time. People who have SEVERAL mansions. People who have so many cars many of them aren’t even driven. People whose designer clothes cost more than everyone in your extended family makes in a year.

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A liberal American, PhD mathematician, bipedal Earthling.
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