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Speaking the Unspeakable

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Message gb waldschmidt
You got to find some time to get this thing together.

--Todd Rundgren

Henry II spoke the unspeakable, asking his loyal henchmen, “…will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” Shortly thereafter the Archbishop of Canterbury was murdered. Plausible deniability brought down the World Trade Center, the same way it brought down the Archbishop. No one would issue such a direct order, but cloaked in silence is intent, and in a system of “clubbish” cronyism, accomplishment of inferred intent is richly rewarded. “Whatever it takes” gets a free pass to accomplish the end.

Beware lest you become what you fight,” warn Buddhists. America fought the Nazis in WW II and now we have become them. The use of uranium munitions by US forces in Iraq may be a greater crime against humanity than the Holocaust. Far, far greater! America now is the world’s most Evil Empire.
Beyond Treason By Tom Cahill
August 30, 2005

Comparisons of the present day USA with Nazi Germany sound polemic at best, insane at worst. Yet each time humanity exceeds its record in cruelty and brutality, both denial and disbelief join together to discredit the evidence. We have a long history of murdering prophets of truth, erecting shrines and statues to them in later generations when the truth becomes “self-evident.” It is our shameful history, secret only in its own time.

Susan Bell Looks Back on a Shameful Secret History


"In 1996, the award-winning journalist Gary Webb uncovered CIA links to Los Angeles drug dealers. It was an amazing scoop - but one that would ruin his career and drive him to suicide. His widow, Susan Bell, looks back on a shameful secret history.” (by Robert Chalmers)

The canaries are dying in droves in our cultural coal mine. And as always, we parse and quibble, deconstruct and dissect; fearful of losing our “objectivity,” when the ideologues, armed with their own brand of “moral clarity,” pursue their ideal without impediment of conscience.

How, then, do we attain the same “moral clarity” as the ideologues we choose to resist without “becoming what we fight?” By now, the “litmus test” should be clear and obvious: cruelty and brutality. When we excuse our own cruelty and brutality with such memes as “…to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs,” or “freedom isn’t free,” we continue the Culture of War.

Nature will seek equilibrium, with or without a human species on the planet. The myth that Nature is a “cruel struggle for survival” is a gross misinterpretation of “natural selection,” our own imposition of “might makes right” over the natural law of harmony and balance. “Struggle and competition” will always exist on a micro-level, while “harmony and balance” will always rule on the macro-level.

Chaos and order are a universal paradox and paradigm. Unable yet to hold these two seemingly opposing states in our heads at the same time, we embrace one and unwittingly advance the opposite. The very few of us who advocate the Culture of Peace should keep one or two swords at the ready. The broad majority who unknowingly accept the prevailing Culture of War must understand “laying down their burdens.”

One heartbreaking thread running throughout Military History is that the advocates at the front are the first to stand and the first to die. Invisible, of course, is the usual gang of cynics and opportunists who bait the bull and reap the profits. They are the ones who justify themselves with “Social Darwinism,” the “Divine Right of Kings” in Drag. The grim business of butchery is then left to the laborers, as always.

Sadly, a culture that ennobles war and warriors will never think otherwise until their homes are rubble and they bury their children. Let the yellow-ribbon flag-waving sports fans who worship war get a belly full of it. Otherwise, they will not change. Let the rah-rah flag-wavers drink from their own cup of suffering and death. They beg for it, yet they “know not what they do.”

Maybe their Heavenly Father will forgive the cheerleaders of the culture of death, but History will not. If the human species is to survive, it must see war as the rapacious barbarity it truly is. The soldier defends what he thinks is holy at peril of his own life. The war profiteer hedges his bets and grows fat on corpses, beating plowshares into swords and children into slavery.

The time has come to tell the children the truth. The time has come to tell them that most are condemned to castes, unable to escape, destined to be exploited, destined for modern man’s version of slavery. The Dumbing Down of America: Part I of II
By Manuel Valenzuela, Contributing Editor
Jun 17, 2004, 13:27

For those who find slavery unacceptable, it is time to speak the unspeakable, to do the undoable, to think impossible things. The “9-11” event was deliberately engineered to perpetuate the culture of war. There still may be legal (and non-violent) ways to stop the global economic doomsday machine:

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waldopaper is an insignificant teacher, informed reader and professional writer... living in dominionist crackerland... with two women, one young man, three cats and two dogs... alarmed at a failing state controlled by corporate psychopaths armed (more...)
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