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A Commentary Directed To Dennis Kucinich And His Campaign Managers

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William Cormier
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These are tough words to write, however, they are meant with no disrespect intended, as I’m a Kucinich supporter myself and acknowledge that you possibly represent America’s only hope in returning our country to its Constitutional mandates, the Rule of Law, and in restoring our country to its constitutional beliefs is our only hope for survival as a free and democratic nation. Since I do believe in you and what you’re attempting to do for our country, I am obliged to speak honestly and bluntly - and to do otherwise would negate my responsibility to my country as well as expressing my support for your Presidential Campaign.

First, it should be obvious to you and your campaign managers by now that the Mainstream News Media is not going to give fair and honest attention to you in the Democratic Presidential Debates; the MSM has already chosen their candidate, and America as well as the GOP are already aware it’s Hillary Clinton. Even I was a Clinton supporter until I understood that it was Bill Clinton, whom I used to admire and support, that pushed for and passed NAFTA, which has had a disastrous effect on our economy, and the loss of American jobs still continues unabated. NAFTA was initially pursued by conservative governments in the United States and Canada supportive of free trade, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and the Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. It appears that the Clinton’s have been “sleeping with the enemy” far before I had imagined.

Whether you are right or wrong doesn’t matter, and even the GOP is betting on Hillary Clinton walking away with the Democratic nomination for President - and that would indeed be the death-knell for liberty and democracy in America. Mr. Kucinich, America needs you to win this election, and it’s time to forget party affiliation and set yourself up as an Independent. It’s more than obvious that you’re not bringing in enough campaign contributions, and the American people are not dumb; they see what’s happening, and knowing that Hillary Clinton will be crowned the Democratic Presidential Candidate, whether the people like it or not, is already a foregone conclusion; if you expect people to contribute the kind of money it takes to win the election, then you have to be in a position to win, and running as a Democrat against Clinton is a prerequisite for defeat!

However, if you throw-off the Democratic Party for the time being and run as an Independent, choosing a VP wisely, the “people” will know that you will appear on the Presidential ballots and therefore will actually be in the race and in a position where a real grassroots campaign will allow you to have a chance of winning. You need to purchase enough air time where you can educate the American people and tell them what the MSM refuses to report, and inform the public through a blitz of TV commercials that apprise the American people of the real danger(s) we face as a nation.

Perhaps you should look at “Rocky” Anderson in SLC, Utah, as a viable VP contender, or in the alternative, maybe even Ron Paul, although I believe that Mr. Anderson has the gift of moving the people as evidenced by his recent speech as reprinted in the below article:

A True Patriot Speaks-Out For America, Is Anyone Listening?

America desperately needs candidates that will step-up and be truthful with the public and will pull no punches in fighting for our country. We need men that can communicate the danger we face as a nation, and very few are courageous enough or have the ability to successfully disseminate those facts in the tradition of the great orators of our time, including but not limited to John F. Kennedy! Therein does lay a danger, as we all know what happened to President Kennedy and his brother Bobby, both patriots in the tradition of America, and it will only be someone that actually speaks the truth that will be able to wrestle this Presidency away from the “dynasty families” and the ultra-wealthy that control American politics and our government.

Mr. Kucinich, it’s time to change tactics and make a real run at the Presidency, one that America can get behind and know that you have a real chance of winning the election. If you do anything less Sir, I believe that your bid at the Presidency is doomed, as well as our democracy and freedoms(s). In desperate times, people take desperate measures to insure their success, and the “times” couldn’t be more desperate than they are today, so if you’re truly going to have a chance at winning, changing your bid to an Independent is the only way I can imagine that you will be successful - even if it means teaming-up with Ron Paul or “Rocky” Anderson.

One last note Mr. Kucinich; if you do choose to campaign with a message of truth and power, then it’s advisable that you ramp-up your security ten-fold, as we have seen what happens to real patriots in this country, and no one would wish that upon you except for the traitors whom are doing their best to steal the America Dream and our freedom and democracy right before our eyes - and they feel no compunction against destroying America in the process.

William Cormier

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