Poll Poll: Anthrax Attacks Solved? Apparently, our law enforcement agencies believe they have solved the mystery of the anthrax attacks and is satisfied with their evidence that Bruce Ivins, a government research scientist was solely responsible for the tragic deaths and hysteria which these anthrax caused. Yes, I believe Mr. Ivins was responsible for the anthrax attacks.No, I do not believe we have satisfactorily solved the mystery of the anthrax attacks 159 votes View Results and Comments Invite Your Friend(s) to Vote: Share This Poll You can publish this poll on your blog or website. To embed a poll, just copy the code from this "Embed" box. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it. Embed: See What It Will Look Like <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.opednews.com/populum/poll_api.php?pid=169&layout=default"></script>