Will the progressive movement eventually implode and 'eat their young'?
In my interview with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, he calls for inclusivity and warns against the progressive movement 'eating it's young'. He says progressives should learn lessons from the failed conservative values.
See the interview hereProgressive Values Stories: Gavin Newsom on Inclusivity and Noah's Ark http://www.opednews.com/articles/Progressive-Values-Stories-by-Edwin-Rutsch-080816-767.html
Failed Conservative Values: Gavin Newsom on Division & Schizophrenic Tasmanian Devils http://www.opednews.com/articles/Failed-Conservative-Values-by-Edwin-Rutsch-080808-690.html
What do you think, will the progressive movement eventually implode and 'eat its young'?
yes 2% from 1 votes
yes, it's already doing it 40% from 22 votes
no 13% from 7 votes
no, inclusivity will save the day! 13% from 7 votes
no, I hope inclusivity will save the day 18% from 10 votes
other , I'll explain 15% from 8 votes
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Founder of the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy.
The Culture of Empathy website is a growing portal for resources and information about the values of empathy and compassion. It contains articles, conferences, (
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