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Edwin Rutsch

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Founder of the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy.
The Culture of Empathy website is a growing portal for resources and information about the values of empathy and compassion. It contains articles, conferences, definitions, experts, history, interviews, videos, science and much more about empathy and compassion.

I am also working on a documentary on empathy
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Edwin Rutsch, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 1, 2011
Dominic Barter on Empathy & Restorative Circles (Part 2) This is part 2 of my interview of Dominic Barter on the nature of empathy and restorative circles.
Edwin Rutsch, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dominic Barter on Empathy & Restorative Circles 1 Dominic Barter talks about restorative circles and empathy.
From Images
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 12, 2010
Building a Culture of Empathy: Dominic Barter on Empathy as Super Food How do we go about building a culture of empathy? I interviewed Dominic Barter, who facilitates Restorative Circles in some of the toughest drug and gang ridden favelas (shantytowns) in Brazil.
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Building a Culture of Empathy It's time to start Building a Culture of Empathy.
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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Failure of Center-Right Conservative Values, Principles, Ideology, Philosophy & Polices In the face of a great defeat, conservatives have their new talking points. They are trying to make the case that America is really a Center-Right country. See this video from ThinkProgress of how conservatives are trying to make the case. What they are failing to acknowledge is that Center-Right Values, Principles, Ideology, Philosophy & Polices have failed and that the country is looking for a new direction.
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 3, 2008
Failed Conservative Values: Bill Honigman on Restrictive Intolerance and Porcupines I interviewed Bill Honigman, who is the California State Coordinator of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). He said conservatives are restrictive and intolerant like porcupines. While he doesn't think the values of individual conservatives have failed, he feels the values of the conservative movement have failed. I have to disagree with him there. I feel that individual conservative values have manifest themselves in...
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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 26, 2008
Failed Conservative Values: Markos (Kos) Moulitsas on Self-Delusion I interviewed Markos (Kos) Moulitsas, founder of the Dailykos.com and asked him about the failure of conservative values. For him, the conservative value of self-delusion was the greatest failure.  He says conservatives value their ideology over actual reality and he pointed out a series of examples of how this ideology  ignores reality.
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 22, 2008
Progressives Blast Failed Conservative Values! I've been asking people about the the failure of conservative values. Here are links to the latest batch of interviews that I just placed on Youtube. The failed values that come up are quite varied, but those sighted most often are fear, hypocrisy, conservative family values, division, rigidity, hyper individualism, self-delusion, etc. I also ask people to create a metaphor of what the Failed Conservative Values are like.
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SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 13, 2008
Lipsticked Hydra at Failed Conservative 'Value Voters Summit' This weekend conservatives are holding their annual Conservative Value Voters Summit 2008 in Washington DC. Last year I wrote an article about the Summit and called for counter rallies to challenge this conference as part of a progressive effort to Take Back the Values Debate. There didn't seem to be much interest or support of the idea among progressives. Progressives still miss the point.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Failed Conservatives Values: Jim Hightower on Grasping Greed Every morning I can't get out of bed until I've heard Jim Hightower on my local NPR radio station. It's my inspiration to face another day. So, it was a real treat to meet him at the Netroots Nation Conference in his home town of Austin, Texas. I asked Jim about the failure of  conservative values.  He said the failure is the ethic of greed and the alternative to this are the progressive values of fairness, social justice and.
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(28 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sarah Palin and the Same Failed Conservative Values Like at past Republic National Conventions, there has been a lot of talk about conservative values. Nothing new there, but this time the convention has the feeling of a sinking ship. The conservatives are doing a lot of talking about the exact same Failed Conservative Values that they have been talking about for the past 30 years. It's the same Failed Conservative Values of indifference, incompetence and...
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 18, 2008
Video: Rallies & Protests in SF as McCain and Obama Rake in the $$ Barack Obama came to the San Francisco Fairmont Hotel for a fundraiser yesterday on Sunday, August 17. He raised 7.5 million dollars. Just 3 weeks earlier John McCain had braved being corrupted by the dreaded 'San Francisco Values' at a fund raiser in the same hotel.
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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 16, 2008
Progressive Values Stories: Gavin Newsom on Inclusivity and Noah's Ark I interviewed San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom about what he personally feels are the most important progressive values. He mentioned several progressive values, such as, Interdependence, Stewardship, Empathy and Tolerance, but focused on Inclusivity as the most important. He cautions progressives not to 'eat their young' and implode internally from all their differences.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 8, 2008
Failed Conservative Values: Gavin Newsom on Division & Schizophrenic Tasmanian Devils The likes of Bill O'Reilly and Newt Gingrich have long railed against 'San Francisco Values' as a cause of America's ills. I sat down with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom at the Netroots Nation Conference in Austin, Texas to talk about conservative values. Gavin articulated the case for how the conservative value of division has failed. He listed case after case of failed results and finally likened conservative values to
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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 31, 2008
 Melanie on Progressive Flying Monkey versus Conservative Snail Values I attended an anti McCain rally at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. There I interviewed several people and asked them to create a metaphor for Progressive and Conservative Values and to create a dialogue between the two. In this story, Melanie sees conservative values as snails and progressive values as monkeys with wings. See how the snails and monkeys get along.
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(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 27, 2008
Presidential Candidate Bob Barr on Failure of Conservative Values At Netroots Nation in Austin, Texas, you can always tell when a VIP is in the room. Just look for the person with a deferential crowed gathered around them and follow the direction the cameras are pointed. - There was Bob Barr, the Libertarian presidential candidate. After patiently waiting for the other interviewers to finish asking their questions, I asked Bob, "Have Conservative Values Failed?"
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 14, 2008
Progressive Values Stories: Zeus Yiamouyiannis on Innovation and Caring In this interview Zeus Yiamouyiannis talks about how innovation is a progressive value. He also sees caring and nurture as progressive values and talks about having learned these values growing up on an organic farm and tending to the animals. On one hand, conservatives talk about traditional values of self interest and selfishness, on the other hand, innovation, caring and nurture are some traditional progressive values.
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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 13, 2008
Progressive Values Stories: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel on Caring In this interview, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel talks about the progressive value of caring. He recounts learning to care more deeply by being with his family at his great-grandmother's death bed. It's a learning process to expand your sense of care beyond just thinking of yourself - to caring for your family, community, nation and the world.
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(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 6, 2008
Fatally Flawed Conservative Values; on Hypocrisy Several people I asked about the failure of conservative values mentioned hypocrisy. Michelle, Owen and Steve brought up areas of conservative hypocrisy in; family values, education, finance, the economy, the occupation of Iraq and in human rights. While we all may exhibit varying degrees of hypocrisy in our lives, it seems that the conservative movement has embraced and institutionalized this value.
From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Failed Conservative Values: Congresswoman Maxine Waters on Blame, Hate & Lying I interviewed Congresswoman Maxine Waters and asked her about progressive and conservative values. In this section, Maxine mentions that conservatives have tricked people with the failed conservative values of blame, hate and lying. These values are also failing because more people are not following them anymore and in fact, people are starting to turn toward progressives values.

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