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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. |
If one were only an Indian, instantly alert, and on a racing horse, leaning against the wind, kept on quivering jerkily over the quivering ground, until one shed one's spurs, for there needed no spurs, threw away the reins, for there needed no reins, and hardly saw that the land before one was smoothly shorn heath when horse's neck and head would be already gone. |
There is a kind of globe you can buy for hour home or office. With the light inside turned off you see the crazy-quilt pattern of the world's political areas. Turn the light on and there appears a glowing map of the natural Earth -- the bottoms of oceans and seas, the tops of mountains and plains, deserts and jungles, glaciers and volcanoes.
The temple bell stops. |