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Series Created By Rob Kall (27 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Kirkpatrick Sale, From Images
Kirkpatrick Sale
(Image by Kirkpatrick Sale)
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Related Topic(s): Charismatic Catholics; Charismatic Christian Pentacostalist; Employer Provided Health Insurance; Malignant Presidency; Psychopath Trump; Representative John Conyers


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 03/22/2013 Hierarchical Republican Culture-- transcript of an interview with Andrew Schmookler, part 1 (View How Many People Read This)
2 Article 03/26/2013 Transcript: Andrew Schmookler Part 2; Hierarchical Republican Culture (View How Many People Read This) 24 24 Comment Count
3 Article 12/22/2013 Looking At a Bigger Picture: Criminals and Rogue Organizations Within (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
4 Article 01/06/2014 Facing The Reality of The System, Conservative Monarchists, and Embracing Bottom-Up Values, as the Answer (View How Many People Read This) 58 58 Comment Count
5 Article 04/04/2014 A Bottom-up Exercise in Understanding Top-Down, Hierarchy. Domination and Predators (View How Many People Read This) 36 36 Comment Count
6 Article 06/26/2014 Kirkpatrick Sale Intvw Transcript: on Evolution of Domination, The Problem of Civilization, Authoritarianism... (View How Many People Read This)
7 Article 08/25/2014 Respect Authority? Really? (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
8 Article 08/26/2014 Transcript: James C. Scott, on Domination, Resistance, The Scientific Study Of Underdogs and... Anarchy (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
9 Article 08/30/2014 James C. Scott Transcript: Anarchy, State Decreed Patronymic Naming, Vernacular Knowledge, Bottom-up Urban Planning (View How Many People Read This)
10 Article 10/05/2014 The Power of Charisma-- It Can Actually Inhibit Higher Brain Function in "Believers" (View How Many People Read This) 29 29 Comment Count
11 Podcast 11/26/2014 Scott Keiller; on Patriarchy, Narcissists and Women, Authoritarians... (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
12 Article 01/12/2015 Exploring the Roots of Top-Down Power-- Necessary to Understand What To Do Next? (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
13 Article 03/12/2015 Question Civilization, Question Authority, Teach Children to Question Everything (View How Many People Read This) 54 54 Comment Count
14 Article 05/13/2015 What Are the Biggest Lies and Delusions That Keep People Voting Against Their Own Best Interests? (View How Many People Read This) 125 125 Comment Count
15 Article 05/15/2015 Conservatism as Top-Down Culture That Leads to Parasites and Psychopathologies (View How Many People Read This) 43 43 Comment Count
16 Article 08/29/2015 What Makes Trump Supporters Tick? Can You Say Narcissism and Authoritarianism? (View How Many People Read This) 140 140 Comment Count
17 Article 12/14/2015 Archetypal, Mythic Strong Women and Patriarchy -- A Conversation with Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD-- Transcript (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
18 Article 09/26/2017 Top Down Nuclear Masturbatory Fantasies (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
19 Article 10/19/2017 21st Century American Slaves (View How Many People Read This) 19 19 Comment Count
20 Podcast 11/22/2017 Henry Giroux on Trump Authoritarianism, Neoliberalism & Rabid Individualism (View How Many People Read This)
21 Article 11/29/2017 If Bill and Hillary Clinton Had Been Handled In 1996 Like They Would Be Today... (View How Many People Read This) 33 33 Comment Count
22 Article 01/08/2018 Enablers of Trump's Nuclear Trigger Finger a Symptom of Pathological Authoritarianism (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
23 Article 05/29/2018 Fine Tuning Authoritarianism (View How Many People Read This) 25 25 Comment Count
24 Article 06/22/2018 How Did a Malignant Narcissist Psychopath Become the Most Powerful Person in the World? (View How Many People Read This) 62 62 Comment Count
25 Podcast 05/20/2019 The New Authoritarianism: Trump, Populism, and the Tyranny of Experts: Salvatore Babones (View How Many People Read This)
26 Podcast 11/02/2019 The New Authoritarianism: David Renton (View How Many People Read This)
27 Podcast 08/25/2020 John Dean: Authoritarian Nightmare; Trump and His Followers (View How Many People Read This) 15 15 Comment Count

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