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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 12/23/13

Holiday Greeting From Prison

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Don Siegelman
Message Don Siegelman

My Dear Friends,

This has been my third Holiday Season in federal prison. If the Creator set a purpose for everything, then I know my job:

To fight for justice!

He has given me a personal, hands-on view of the tragedies created by our criminal justice system. It is not balanced or fair. It is not seeking truth or justice. Our system pursues convictions with an "anything goes" attitude!

The President and the Attorney General have spoken out, allowing changes for some...so let's encourage them to be even bolder, to seek justice for all...Oh, yes we can! We cannot give up on true justice.

Please send a message this holiday season for true reform that honors what our country genuinely stands for - freedom.

I wish you, my dear friend, who have worked so hard, prayed so much, and who have lifted my spirits for so long, a happy Holiday Season.

May you enjoy your loved ones at this time and know that I appreciate you more than you could ever know. I give thanks for you and my wonderful family and look forward to pursuing justice with you, outside these prison walls, very soon!

Happy Holidays!

Don Siegelman 

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Don Siegelman is the former Democratic Governor of Alabama.
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