Becoming both more obvious and evident to even the most casual observer, the two subjects of this brief overview are increasingly enjoying the camaraderie of mutual support in their efforts to stifle progress and promote ignorance. I remain baffled by the numbers still swallowing this kewl-aide but it does seem that on a worldwide basis humanity is evolving and making some headway.
As they forge a kind of corporate partnership between milieu and melee, we as citizens need to focus our attentions on their combined ploy as "strange bedfellows and their attempt to become more, "familiar acquaintances , to better understand their positions. I'm of the opinion they're becoming a "dirty affair promoting each other's agendas toward their own profit. I shall attempt to bring to light only a point or two of these increasingly overt attempts at duping the populace as has been shown in the past and no doubt will continue to some degree in the future"Hopefully dwindling as all vampires, gods, booger men, and various hobgoblins do in fear of, (and are banned by), exposure to the light of reason, logic, and of course sanity. Someone aptly put, "Gods are very delicate things that can easily be remedied with a teaspoon of logic and a cup of reason.
There are some facts that apply equally to religion and politics as they are more closely related than appearing at first glance. For one example: The right wing whackos are almost hysterically opposed to change. Their slow moving and accepted ideologies forbid experimenting and even the most daring will cringe at the thoughts of even minor adjustments that may "rock the boat pertaining to their illusions of safety and the security of past experiences regardless of the futility and damage these traditions may have caused others or even their own existences. Not that long ago they burned people at the stake who believed the earth to be round. Only recently have the politicians allowed women the right to vote. Like the moth that's attracted to its own demise in the flame of its desire, politics will generally continue along prescribed routes though pitfalls and dangers are discovered rather than move, (even cautiously), into unknown or untested waters that might very well prove the better choices.
Thus today's Democratic Party is actually the "New Republicans. for the liberal and left have continuously moved toward the conservative right and have even passed that "central position everyone seems so concerned about. Were the same forces of evolution so concerned as toward natural selection, it would be quite possible that human kind might still resemble some form of single celled protoplasm and be regressing even further. Religions in kind possess more than a few of these same characteristics. Whichever and whoever's deity roosts in their portion of the sky, (usually directly above the practicing acolyte; watch the finger) declares certain postulates whose obedience is rewarded by that particular paradise or condemned accordingly by the opposing infinite torture chamber of fire and terror is that particular theology's hero. Even the slightest deviation or question that might challenge whatever regimen that has been established by that same dogma subjects the offender to an infinite misery depending again on posits of that particular fantasy.
These positions are from the same book of politics but merely changing thou to you and smite to slap. And of course as we would be the single celled amoeba, the earth would be flat and the center of the universe with a varied or determined cosmic muffin or hairy thunderer having complete responsibility for our every thought and move once we were magically created from mud and animated by his or her gas. Perhaps we ARE thought of as cosmic turds after all, hmmmm.
As they forge a kind of corporate partnership between milieu and melee, we as citizens need to focus our attentions on their combined ploy as "strange bedfellows and their attempt to become more, "familiar acquaintances , to better understand their positions. I'm of the opinion they're becoming a "dirty affair promoting each other's agendas toward their own profit. I shall attempt to bring to light only a point or two of these increasingly overt attempts at duping the populace as has been shown in the past and no doubt will continue to some degree in the future"Hopefully dwindling as all vampires, gods, booger men, and various hobgoblins do in fear of, (and are banned by), exposure to the light of reason, logic, and of course sanity. Someone aptly put, "Gods are very delicate things that can easily be remedied with a teaspoon of logic and a cup of reason.
There are some facts that apply equally to religion and politics as they are more closely related than appearing at first glance. For one example: The right wing whackos are almost hysterically opposed to change. Their slow moving and accepted ideologies forbid experimenting and even the most daring will cringe at the thoughts of even minor adjustments that may "rock the boat pertaining to their illusions of safety and the security of past experiences regardless of the futility and damage these traditions may have caused others or even their own existences. Not that long ago they burned people at the stake who believed the earth to be round. Only recently have the politicians allowed women the right to vote. Like the moth that's attracted to its own demise in the flame of its desire, politics will generally continue along prescribed routes though pitfalls and dangers are discovered rather than move, (even cautiously), into unknown or untested waters that might very well prove the better choices.
Thus today's Democratic Party is actually the "New Republicans. for the liberal and left have continuously moved toward the conservative right and have even passed that "central position everyone seems so concerned about. Were the same forces of evolution so concerned as toward natural selection, it would be quite possible that human kind might still resemble some form of single celled protoplasm and be regressing even further. Religions in kind possess more than a few of these same characteristics. Whichever and whoever's deity roosts in their portion of the sky, (usually directly above the practicing acolyte; watch the finger) declares certain postulates whose obedience is rewarded by that particular paradise or condemned accordingly by the opposing infinite torture chamber of fire and terror is that particular theology's hero. Even the slightest deviation or question that might challenge whatever regimen that has been established by that same dogma subjects the offender to an infinite misery depending again on posits of that particular fantasy.