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The Back Scratching of Religion and Politics II

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Message Don Ward
This has been turned around a bit and now we can view the same picture from a different angle. It seems that "Illegal Aliens have found some value in our own position and wish to exploit our weaknesses to their satisfaction. As our own modern society has grown and is growing more secular in religious considerations due to education and more emphasis on reason and logic versus emotional hype, we have the invaders proselytizing their forms of worship based on our "old views fueled by emotional fear and frenzy. Even the "New Age dingbats give credence and place emphasis on witch doctors and medicine men. When is wearing masks and shaking rattles considered "new? They've done that for centuries.

Politically this is viewed as once again "dumbing down our society and allowing those in power to more easily manipulate us toward their agendas. After all, religion really is the opium of the masses. Our own confusion brought about by the cultural change of accepting, (in our case), Latinos with a kind of perverse Spanish influence keeps us a bit off balance allowing Corporate America to continue running amok as our attentions are focused elsewhere desperate to learn Spanish. It's another rendition of that old favorite. "Divide and Conquer. Of course with the re-introduction of dogmatic jargon and persuasion into our lifestyles the religious nuts and rapture rights are really going happily at it. Fueling and firing at their utmost to applaud this situation, has anyone noticed how both religion and politics have migrated not only toward Texas and the Southwest but also toward these third world countries in order to see that their missionaries are astute and prepared upon arriving at our borders? The politicians see the advantages for not only do they work cheaply to fill the pockets of Corporate America but by inventing Social Security numbers or acquiring the same from a deceased citizen, their contributions are never returned and can't be claimed. This allows the government access to an already depleted but still solvent slush fund for whatever war or pet project the incumbent favors. The actor-comedian William Bendix might have best titled this situation with that famous quip, "What a revoltin' development this is.

Perhaps the scariest view is what nightmarish offspring may be the result of this holey union. If one considered that both factions are primarily patriarchal with tattoos of boobs on their shoulder blades then any progeny as a result could create quite a stink. Two stoolies now passed are "Lumpy Jerry Falwell and the much "Odorous Saddam Hussein. Tis' rumored they're sharing a tuffet in hell beating their Kurds and Gays. Of course we're still awaiting more news anent the excretiatingly bizarre elopement possibility between O'Reilly and O'Donnell as they might produce the "Big O . Both factions of our topic seem constipated with Suckabee and Ahmadinkisbad. Don't worry too much here for they're two sides of the same con. What's appalling is the majority of the people on our planet believe in both chimeras in one form or the other. You merely have to wipe, flush, and then put the lid down afterward. In Poo"er, I mean Pope We Hope. Butt lest I digress farther into my senility let us continue.

That politicians have their hands in the pockets of Corporate America is no big secret for anyone as does the religious right. Bible thumping Born Agains are touted by those in power for as everyone knows all you have to do is ask forgiveness and paradise along with your seventy two virgins waits. This permits anyone to do anything and as long as you worship the "big guy in th' sky the door remains open. Ask for forgiveness Sunday morning and all your wrongs will be washed away in the blood of the lamb or at least in somebody's blood. Just like politics it's all about connections. You can be a relatively nice person all your life but without the proper connections through payola to the church, mosque, or whatever and testifying your allegiance to that deity you're doomed. Again you can be a relatively nice person all your life but if you're not part of that inner circle and haven't the proper Washington connections, you're probably not going to be elected. In either instance it's whose ass you kiss and not your deeds or virtues.

Angels and demons are direct crossovers to incumbents and challengers. Angels and incumbents are in office and the political favorites at any given time while challengers are vilified as demons trying to overthrow the current administration. This can turn out to be a bit of an embarrassment for both politicians and religionists but differences are soon reconciled when everyone realizes that they're losing money. Speaking of money"let's not forget the particularly rampant scandals that constantly afflict both of these participants. Not only are they funded through corporate donations that are returned in tax loopholes and slight of hand contracts but public contributions, tithes, and taxes are mismanaged continuously while each of them turn their back to each other. Speaking of turning backs to each other"Has anyone taken note of the sex scandals that plague these supposedly, "rocks of society? No child's behind left! That sounds like a perverted musical title to a toe tapper from a stall in the men's room. Yes folks, in conclusion I'll only add that when it comes to money and sex"They'll both get theirs and you'll get yours.

My back is itching. Momintum

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Anti-Religious and Political Activist!
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