You may have seen it -
"Jump," he commanded, and his disciple ran laughing and gladly jumped from the cliff to his death. - Poor sap. That's what discipline and commands do for you. The result spells out very clearly the prospect for any such type.
And did you ever see that clip of these tewwibly fewocious twoops-in-twaining dashing to a twough to douse their faces in blood and dash back. Whose blood was it? Well, clearly it was not theirs or of those who urged them to such crass stupidity, rather of some daft sheep or cow or human that did what it was told and trusted those who were about to cut its throat.
Long before most of you were born I did my military service. I was lucky. I was damned if I was going to obey any order that was against what my instincts told me was right, and luckily I was never told to do anything wrong. Once or twice we were told to do something stupid, but my disobedience was probably masked by the chaos of the other idiots trying to do exactly what they were told.
But now -
It is not clear whether a large majority of our population have an urge these days to do what is clearly wrong and are simply waiting for the invitation and the opportunity. But with legalized torture, and illegal wars killing millions of innocent civilians including women and babes, it damned sure looks like it. Just because someone secretly wants more loot? Because that's what it's all for. Or didn't you know that? Ordained by God, did you think?
The 'top' chimp simply says 'Jump', and so the deputy top-chimp says 'Jump', and so on down the line, with all you idiot chimps jumping up and down or over, only because the 'top-chimp' said 'Jump'. This does not indicate a very intelligent species, does it, even if you claim some extenuation that, having been given bits of metal or paper, we lower degrees of chimp are therefore obliged to obey? Where's your sense? You are not any lower-chimp. You are an adult human being and you are not obliged to obey anyone. Got that?
The 'top-chimp' is called 'a leader', is he? Well well. So what reliable guarantee of infallibility or even sanity in the present case is that supposed to confer?
I'll tell you this: he sure doesn't 'lead' me, and neither does anyone else. And you don't catch me standing hand on heart mumbling any national chant, either, even though the rest of you may be pretty sure that what you mumble is being disregarded and trampled on even as you mumble it. The present top-chimps of all our countries are clearly now working in the interest of a few supposedly stratospheric upper-chimps who openly declare that there are too many of us by half and by jimminy they're going to eliminate up to ninety percent of us as being unnecessary to their idea of symmetry for their economy. You know, if any of you swallow such stupidity, then you've got extinction coming. And that's what you'll get for obeying any illusory 'chain of command'.
I have never needed anyone to tell me what to think or what to say or do, and in reality neither have you. It is about time that when anyone tells us what to do, whoever they are, then we sock him - or her - in the mouth hard enough to displace teeth, to teach them that that's quite enough of telling others what to do. I suggest we start with the top-chimps and we start now.
And on reflection, that dashing-to-blood-smear behavior might well serve some useful purpose if blood supposedly more refined and distinguished is selected for the exercise, and I know whose blood I recommend.
Otherwise the ill-augury presently shaping up will inevitably unfold, with further attacks on this that and the other nations for the financial advantage of 'The Few', until the majority of us are embroiled in wiping each other out of existence, as distinctly is on the cards, and 'The few' are left in splendid isolation in possession of the planet, as they have long intended. What they will then do is presumably continue chiseling each other out of what they can to their hearts' content, as very old habits die very hard hard.
Look, let's do better than this. The chain of command really does not exist, and its illusion has put you all in chains. I would recommend that 'our boys and girls' in all our military grow up a little, realize they are responsible men and women and get a grip, come home and clean out the vermin who have taken possession of all 'our leaders'. Then we'll put the world to rights by ridding ourselves of the existing corrupt party-political systems and fictional filth of lucre that inspires it, work just three months a year and spend some of our then-freed time in teaching our children to conserve the beautiful planet and make sure they don't make our stupid mistake of letting finance and its infliction happen again - ever.
And I also recommend that we call a spade a spade and, without fear or favor, tell the truth about what has been going on all these centuries, and by whom such evils have been perpetrated.
Any thoughts on the matter?