WE, the people, hereby demand martial law to be imposed on all our countries forthwith. The period in force is to be for the duration necessary for OUR military of all OUR nations to depose the puny yes-men 'encharged' with our military 'chains of command' to carry out the orders of the puppets put in position to rule all our countries for the benefit of the international vermin who install and pay them and thus exercise their tyranny over us all. Then, to rid us of the system by which these corrupt self-seeking gangsters are 'put in charge' of us via the pre-selection and pre-corruption of any pair of villainous candidates presented for our 'choice'.
We, the people, demand OUR law-enforcement agencies to act for us, whom they are supposed to protect, against the depredations of villains who have usurped our administrations for the domination and planned elimination of our populations. They are also to act to prevent the arrogation of any such powers in the future.
We, the people, demand that OUR lawmakers unpick the unfair laws permitting the immoral practices of the use of the extorted monies stored in the tax-free 'Trusts' for the acquisition, amalgamation and ruination of all our industries and exploitation of our natural resources by a wily few aliens for the profit of these same wily few.
We, the people, demand that our 'economists' be schooled in the realities of the criminal swindle of 'finance' rather than being taught to parrot a mirage of formulae only supporting all aspects of that long-inflicted and cruel covert swindle. They are then to free us finally from the infliction of finance and its system obliging us to do anything only for the spurious coin it will produce, and from the taxes and interest we have to work to pay solely to support those who have bribed all our leaders for that purpose.
We, the people, demand that our education system be wrested from these international vermin and restored to us who wish to educate our youth to responsible happy adulthood rather than ineffectual noise-amd-drug-sodden mindless cattle.
We, the people, demand the return of all our communications media, so that instead of pornography, corruption and manipulative demeaning insult we can be afforded the imaginative access to the world, to information and its learning that the opportunity of our media once promised.
We, the people demand the return of our medical and all other services from the god of depraved gluttony they presently serve.
We, the people, demand that the international villains responsible for inflicting these evils be apprehended and summarily punished, and that our countries hereafter be permanently rid of all their effects.
And we, the people, demand these measures NOW!
Miltary! Legislators! 'Economists'! Journalists! Doctors! People! ATTENTION!