"Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws," said Mayer Amschel Rothschild less than two centuries ago.
In confirmation of his words and the effectiveness of his intention, his family now control the finances of the world and routinely ruin nation after nation and race after race at their whim as a matter of course, as we have seen in so many instances of the past, presently see in America and shortly will see throughout the rest of the world. - Please don't think or say they don't - Many of us are all too familiar with all the practices and mechanisms involved, even if some of you aren't, and though others know but don't want the rest of you to think it is other than an accident of Nature.
Monsanto has also declared its plans - if we 'permit' them - to dominate the food supply of the world. 1 It produces the lethal 'Round-Up' herbicide, which eliminates all plants other than those also produced by Monsanto and its co-conspirators Dow and Du Pont, which are genetically modified to withstand their 'Round-Up'. This will enable them to sell the only viable food-seeds to the rest of the world at whatever price they care to name - or to withhold them and therefore cause mass starvation. (Their choice of the name 'Round-up' is interesting as it is the term used for the activity of gathering 'cattle' together before driving them to their slaughter).
The Rockefeller family, who control Monsanto and are at the moment servants of the Rothschild family, are also sponsoring in the Spitzbergen Islands a seed-bank of all existing natural plants so that, when they have eliminated the rest of us unwanted humans by starvation, they will be able to re-populate the planet with natural plants.
Their country-cousins and family-friends also control the education of our children and, by means of publishing only progressively-stunting 'education' books, are producing generations of our children with less and less interest in learning or in perceiving reality and less and less ability therefore to recognize what is being done to them and to the rest of us. Their 'international' friends who control our media and the junk-food industries further the same process in our adults. These powers-that-be have also already proved that they can feed men sterile and vaccinate women to be effectively barren. All with the best of intentions - of course.
Their dual-nationality allies are inserted strategically into all our governments and 'commissions', and they control us and our individual nations via their incontestible edicts applied under their 'laws'. They also amalgamate our nations into greater groupings, each with its Rothschild controlled 'Central Bank', for their easier management - by them, of course, rather than by the rightful inhabitants of the various subservient countries, and raise - 'harmonize' - all our price levels. They then flood our various lands with natives of other 'states', thus fragmenting our family nations by dilution.
The harm of finance maliciously inflicted worldwide is evident in their routine cyclic 'boom and bust' exercise and periodic wars. - Look at the crudely-managed financial 'calamity' in progress, the manufactured war against Afghanistan for the Caspian Sea oil, the present criminal invasion of Iraq for theirs, and the intended and projected wars on Iran and Syria. Surely you do not really still believe that the wars, revolutions, and routine cyclic 'booms and busts' of the last two centuries all 'just happened', do you? - "If my sons did not want wars, there would be no wars." – Madame Mayer Amschel Rothschild 2.
All these evils are permitted by the vast bulk of fictitious finance lodged securely in the fictitious tax-exempt 'Trusts', but, fiction or not, in our credulous world the swindle continues to function.
Without remedy, therefore, when these two ambitious 'powers' vie for control of the planet the prospect for the rest of us is - incidentally, of course - intended to be more than somewhat bleak.
However, this evil process of the elimination of the rest of us can be reversed and ended. It can even be done peacefully.
We are in a bus careering down a hillside. If you look, there are two irresponsible speed-crazed infants at the wheel. But we are the adults. Look, this is the wheel, and this is the brake. Now we take control. No panic, no drama.
Firstly, we, the people, nominate and elect our representatives, who solely will express our intentions and will work in our interest rather than in that of these others who clearly intend us nothing but harm. These our representatives will be replaceable without prior notice if not complying with the will of us their nominators, and they will be hanged or otherwise drastically penalized if corrupted, together with their intending corruptors.
Next, we will abolish finance as it exists at present as a motivating and corrupting force. The otherwise useless money in the 'trusts' will be abolished, and the amassing of such 'wealth' will be eliminated. We will also control 'the Corporations'. The evil of Corporatism is to be unwound. Money will no longer be used to create only more money to use against the interests of the rest. - Remember that the 'value' of all money is only a fiction anyway, and has never been anything else for the last five thousand years of its infliction on unsuspecting innocent humanity at such cruel cost.
You will no longer have to work the extra eight or nine months of the year that you do now simply to produce this fiction of money to pay taxes for the Rothschilds to take and lend back to us for our infrastructures and to compound our enslavement, and to pay their 'interest' on all our major necessities of life for which under their monetary system they now oblige you to borrow. The unnecessary work will disappear, and all the excess energy presently wasted in simply fattening the Rothschilds and their Trusts will cease overheating the planet.
We will stop the rape of the planet in the sole interest of these aberrate few of a primate sub-species, dismantle the paid private assassination squads which they presently use worldwide to enforce their malignant intentions, and work to restore and preserve the Earth's rich diversity.
There is no alternative to this, other than either a) the quiet elimination from the planet of the rest of us or b) the more stringent and exacting prevention of our elimination by our more stringent and exacting elimination, without unnecessary extremes of politeness, of those who otherwise intend to cause our extinction, together with those of ours who so far have 'permitted' these aliens in their cause against us. - You may care to consider who these adversely influential folk have been, and who motivated them to such treachery.
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