Ten or fifteen years ago, when I was patenting a remedy for migraine, one of the documents cited for previous relevance was of an Israeli research group, which established quite clearly that lactose intolerance had implication not only in migraine but also in asthma. - You see, 'they' know.
The fact that you very probably have never heard of the paper, nor of the relevance of lactose intolerance in triggering migraine, let alone its connection with asthma, nor of the artificial inclusion of lactose in most processed foods and even in medicines to alleviate migraine! - all quite apart from the mischief that female hormones such as oestrogen in milk may work in adolescent males - all these facts should make you think, shouldn’t they? But trouble your pretty little head with things like that? Well, maybe not, but they certainly make me think.
Doctors, bless’em, are not paid to think either, are they: no, they are paid to diagnose and prescribe. And what they prescribe are the products of the ‘big-pharma’ industry, aren’t they? Similarly, lactose is just so much more benefit for ‘the dairy industry’, isn’t it? Well, it’s sell the whey for the lactose it contains to be put in foods and medicines or otherwise pour it away or feed it to the pigs. And where's the fun of knock-on profit in that?
When I later suggested to a migraine and cluster-headache newsgroup, all busy sympathizing with each other and comparing their various drugs, that they might just try abstention from lactose to alleviate their agonies, I was howled down and told very very seriously that a) my opinions were not welcome and b) neither was I.
I will also mention that when I wrote to half of the dairy industries in my country of residence, informing them of the patent then published and of its benefits to the entire populations and to the economy in general and to their economies in particular, I received not even one single reply. Presumably they were all perfectly happy with the status quo. You can see their lazy smiles: "Aggravates the condition of the 14% + of the population intolerant to lactose with migraine and asthma and stuff, does it? Well well. And lactose intolerance is perfectly natural, is it? - You don’t say."
But you know, neither big-pharma nor the dairy industry are producing ever more complex drugs or ever more fanciful dairy products just for the hell of it or even for any benefit or detriment any of their products might have for anyone. They are practising these activities just as their particular methods of getting their hands on ever more of the financial loot they can thus obtain to benefit their economies in particular. And I will tell you this, just in case you don't know, for them enough of that loot is never enough. And in the case of those ultimately responsible for the whole financial swindle, it will never be enough even if or when we are stupid enough to let them have it all.
Presumably they are all quite fatly happy in their efforts for ever more ‘dosh’ even though I might also patiently explain to them that the loot for which they are all striving, to such detriment not only of the said 14% + of the population but of all the lifeforms of the entire planet, is a total fiction and has never been anything else for the last five thousand years of its infliction on poor suffering humanity. It's only printed paper and lying notions, but for both they'll gladly give the lives of others - Sure, by the billion: easy come, easy go.
But no, nobody wants to know.
So, the world is happily going to hell in a basket, with the intended hardship ever nearer as brought on by the carefully-fabricated monumental financial disaster which looms ever higher as we can see, and the planet warming rapidly to the use of all that unnecessary energy consumed in the carefully-engineered process of the mad human ape chasing ever more of the fiction of finance to the doom of most and delusory ‘success’ of The Few. And as you see once again ‘the self-elite’ and ‘their media’ with coldly-calculated mentally-jazzing razzmatazz are parading before you only their choice of ever more venal and corrupted smirking and posturing apes to be your bell-wether ‘leaders’ to further mad excess to put our populations and our armies at the disposal of the international vermins' interests of constant war and insatiable acquisition . . . - And you don't CARE?????!!!!!!!
Wake up, damn you!
Draft and name your own representatives if spokesfolk are ever needed. And you warn them as your servants that if they ever put a foot wrong they are out of office and in jug, and if they are corrupt they are hanged on the same rope as their corruptors. Start and get into practice and up to speed with the present criminal crew.
Then we abolish this wicked fiction of cash once and for all, and all the contrived political power-systems, abolish all the evils of the last five millennia, and we have the Utopia that we deserve. Utopia, after all, being simply this marvellous world we are born to, but without the evils of cash and the evils of those who for so long have so adroitly manipulated both it and us.
Now, get to it! And no back-chat!