Jun. 24 - Today, I go to the police station and inquire about these two reports (199784 152479). I find that there is no statement filed for either.
One is for the bag, which did not contain thetwo recorders and two tapes when I claimed it. Ialso find Off. Lee left of one recorder and the tapes from his report.
Also, the report number now jibes with the number in evidence, as it did not when I claimed the bag.
May, 2010 - I updated my registration to vote in the 2008 election because Ihad left my last address, although living in the same area andhaving the same polling place - McCully. I voted in the last national election at McCully.
I went to the office in City Hall to update again, this past Wednesday, for the special election coming up. I was told that I hadn't done any action since 2006.