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Diary    H4'ed 9/23/12

How Times Like These Add Up To This Space Cowboy

Michael Dewey
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How Times Like These Add Up To This Space Cowboy

  Have yet to see the movie which caused such a stir, as of late, (September-2012) over there in the Middle East, where we do not, in my mind's eyes belong.   Seeing how it came from , (correct me if mistaken on that.) the Religious Right (In America.) point of view, am in no hurry to watch it.   In my mind, that point of view has already cost far too many lives.

From my looking at how things have gone downhill in America, (Since my 20s-50s now in 2012.) since the 80s, when the un-compromising Preachers, Barry Goldwater tried to warn us about, took over the debate in DC, much of the fun" on blue collar levels, has been taken from the regular Folks.

Hey, in the late 70s, for what some background is worth, I spent a few interesting years on a Farm, that the Church of the Open Door, had out in the country, on Springhill Road in Petaluma.  One of my older Brothers, had headed out there in 72, to look for the truth.   It had "looked" like the truth to me also. (For had spent 2 weeks out there, in the summer of 72.  Was kind of fun to help with the chickens, pigs & other long forgotten Farm stuff.)  My Brother & I would both remember the Bible verse, about there being no greater  love than to lay down your life for a Bother, or anything I'd say right now.  We both had thought that it meant dyeing.-it sort of does, but does not have to be in the death meaning of the word.

At 15 years of age, it was the 1st time, this Blue Collar Hippie, at heart, was conscious of seeing & feeling real love.  After a Bible study or 2, in the House, went with the Man who led the study, and did that prayer to allow the Lamb into my heart"  Thing is, that the joy the others had did not come to me.  Then in 78, after getting my sheep skin from H.S. went back out there, for had "figured" it was the Truth.  But after over 2 years of excepting the Lamb, service after service, at Boy's Club on Sunday, or 2 or more Bible studies a week, had to walk away by 1981 .  (Looking back, the only "real" thing that awoken me that could serve times like these, was the social justice, an older couple turned me onto!)

0h ya, to make a long, 50-50 frustration-fun story, of the 80s short, "figuring" (Wrongly.) this Hippie was on the road to hell, stayed as drunk as I could,  trying to avoid getting into other peoples' business or hurting anyone.  Yet there as a Tim Galway Book, "The Inner Game of Tennis.'  The Zen part about non-judgmental  awareness, was very importantly applied to me banging around over a million pool balls that decade, while driving 3 or 4 cars into the ground, traveling from Pool Hall to Pool and Dart Bars.  Somewhere down inside me then was telling me that I was worshiping while trying to express my full potential on the Green Alter, as "we' now call it.

An awakening came in 1994, without my asking or wanting it.  Basically, said to myself, "These people," [At this Great 8 Ball Pool Club named Club Forties, in (What mind's eyes calls: Lemon-minister or Lemontown, depending on who I'm pissed off at most at the moment.) Leominster Massachusetts.] are not sinners!-for they had just helped much over that year, to help me get over my 1st wife going back to her Home IN California, with my 3 year old Daughter, Jade.

Since then, looking around at who has been in power, while reading much in the Bible; most important to me would be in this order: Daniel, Jeremiah 23, Matthew 24 & 23, along with trying to think how that nightmare of Revelations applies to right now.

Since we can find in Jeremiah 23, the words "in the latter days you will clearly understand it', it sure adds up to me, that that Chapters huge rebuke at Religious Leaders, applies as much now as it did when written & also to Israel 2000 years ago. Jer. 23:33-40 very much appeared to me in January 1997 (While being in Valleyjoe  California, with people who understood and believed my whole story, that was left at The Relay Club with an 18 buck tip.) backed up the conclusions I had come too, on my own, from 94-then.  The New American Standard version says it best; basically- "'If you hold to the oracle of the lord, there will be an every lasting reproach put on you that will never be forgotten.''  These words are also in Jeremiah 23, "The Preachers are leading the people into futility and profit them nothing!"

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that the 4 beats of Daniel 7 are the established powers of our times.  It sure is perfectly clear to me, that 3 of those beasts are Russia, China, and America.  There Authority" will be taken away from them, though they will be allowed to stay in power to fix the mess that they have made.

It is going to really hurt the Leaders of The Established Church, that "'they'' are the 4th, most terrifying beast of all, that is different from the other 3.  The 10 horns are sadly the 10 kings that came out in Europe, from The Catholic Church in Rome.  Hey, there was a time for that legalistic stuff, which has now gone way to far, with lots of help from the wasted tool of the TV.  It had purged, purified and refined people into   pretty good people.  The thing is right now though, that they are taking away mankind's god given free will to do whatever they want, until physically hurting, or stealing from each other.

Barry Goldwater on Religious Leaders
Barry Goldwater on Religious Leaders
(Image by Internet)
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That is why I have called, since 1994 The Hardline Religious Right, THE-MEDIA-RIGHT-STORM!  Their stone throwing has been blasting out of the TV, for so long that hardly anyone, can give a person the benefit of the doubt, here in America, now The Broken Promised Land.

Oh one thing I have seen firsthand of Europe, since being here in Belgium, all but just under 3 months, since July 2011 to now September 2012, is that the main stream church gives people a break, by being much more tolerant That is proper repainting to me.  And I mean repainting, not repenting. The people hardly need to repaint from anything they have done caused by the stumbling blocks of all powers that be.  But the powers that be, who have brought forth the stumbling blocks, must fix what they have done, with real acts of compassion to all.

As for the people, we repaint at The Littleton VFW by saying, "'whoops.''  In Leomonster (I hope that the people turn into monsters, unless these words are acted on by those in power to serve them.) they say "'ooto.''  In Fitchburg they say "'oh sh*t.''  You all should be able to find your own ways to repaint.

The bottom line intent, of what's written above here, & to follow, it to find a way for all Cultures, and the people to have a chance to be able to tolerate different beliefs.  And for Courts to decide in private the guilt or innocence of those who have stolen, killed or hurt people physically.  But we are out for constructive justice, not crap like bombing countries America has not ever belong in!  Treaties mean absolutely nothing to The US of A.  How many have we broken this 21st Century?

How's it going People?  Be honest, it sucks a lot, doesn't it.  This was sent snail mail a month ago to Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders with instructions not to go public with it until this Space Cowboy was out of America.  It was then sent snail mail to The White House, Speaker of the House, and that VP Nominee Ryan, and also my whole snail mail list, picked up in my last 18 years of travels around that Broken Promised Land.  Well, am now in my new Wives' arms (Married July 11-2012 in City Hall of Lemon-minister, where Johnny Appleseed was born.) here in very good Kingdom of Belgium.  It's still a very good to live, though have heard that the people, did take a 5-1 hit on their gold backed money, when the Eurozone (Why does Germany own the Eurozone and not the People of Europe?) nonsense was set up.  (Oh, why is the word con in economy?' He-con-me' lol)

Dear Mister (In this Space Cowboy's mind's eyes) Gutless  President,

I say that, for it takes more courage to stand for Peace, than to send kids to WAR.  How could anyone who wins the Nobel Peace Prize, send 30,000 more to WAR?  How do you sleep you moron?  (And that is being polite...)

Bring all the Troops Home and close all over sea bases.  Or when you die, and we all stand over your grave to make sure you are dead, you will come before me and I will kick you in the balls, which you do not have now.

I am the Prophet Michael of Daniel 21:1, the child of Revelations 12, and the Branch of Jeremiah 23:6, 33:14-14,(Well, the Branch in Jer. 33:14-15 is called a she in "The New American Standard' version of the Bible.  The Bible means, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.) Zechariah 3 & 5 and the one of Isaiah 4, who has 7 women in one day take him as his wives.  

Talk to Arlo Guthrie about the Prophet groaning alone at the end of his 1979 Prologue song, on "'Out Lasting The Blues.  He already answered me.  Number 9  from the Beatles song, where Lennon says near the end, "'Take this brother, may he serve you well.''-sort of a twist.  I was 9 or 11 of a Family of 12.  One of which this Broken Promised Land is responsible for killing!  You cost me the life of a dear Brother, & 22 year old nephew of a dear Brother, his only son!

If you want Peace raise me up. (though in secret.) Just as what, Nebuchadnezzar did for Daniel, or Egypt did for Joseph? Are you as wise as him and Solomon (Who had no enemies, until even he screwed up)?  By you actions you prove, not.

I am completely disgusted with my vote!  Have you ever heard of the Mondragon Cooperative?  It is now working together with the USW, to form Union Cooperatives, in the States & Canada.  Raise that up in Congress and the TV, and Communities will take care of themselves.

We want Medicare for anyone who wants it.  Others can keep their plans.  Tax all incomes above $250 grand to help fix Social Security for almost ever.  Than we could even lower the retirement age to 55, so we can put more kids to work.  We could also cut the work week to 32 hours to give more people jobs.-but that is something Companies and Unions should do on its own, with help from Landlords, & Banks, cutting the rents and mortgages in half or more.  Unless of course people would like to pay extra?

Do you want the lights to go out in one city here?  I know Union Electrical Wirenuts who could arrange that.  Do you want to bet on that?  You can take that as a Threat or Promise!

Michael Cheverie Dewey

"The World is my Country, its people my Brothers, and my religion is to do good for Mankind."  ~ Tom Paine.

Mister President., it will take some actions, real actions, on the demands on this page, for you to ever get to talk to me.

1. This COUNTRY HAS 70 WEEKS, as of Marie and my Wedding on July 11-2012, TO CLEAN UP ITS ACT, BY FEEDING THE POOR AND FINDING THEM HOMES!!! 

2. BRING ALL OF THE TROOPS HOME, INCLUDING ALL CIA AGENTS!!!   Leave the Tanks and Jets and other Weapons in what ever country they, so they can protect themselves.  YOU STOP BUILDING EVERY LAST WEAPON OF ALL KINDS.

3. DC had best empower Communities to set up The Worker Ownership of The Mondragon Cooperative of the ( Future.) Basque Country in Northern Spain!!!  Each City and Community can do it Their Way!!!  The people of any State, does not need DC to tell them how or what to do!

4. You tell Israel to Feed Gaza, or Luke 21:20 will be fulfilled, with Jerusalem being surrounded by Armies, for her Leader's Desolation to be at Hand!!!  

5. TELL THE-MEDIA-RIGHT-STORM OF THE RELIGIOUS TO SHUT THE F#%$k up or I am going to send "'Them'' to hell where "'they will repent'' with acts of compassion, for Mankind, from above, before they are given a last chance a 1000 years from now!

6. You Work Out The Details of States Setting up Public Banks such as North Dakota has been doing for over 90 years"

7. You have States look towards Vermont's Single Payer Health Care!!!  But Massachusetts could just allow anyone to buy into its Masshealth, Plan, which helps lots of the low income.

8. You let Family Farmers grow Hemp, for the Paper, Plastics, Cloths and Bio-fuel we can produce from it.  Community Coops will grow from that.

9. You free ALL Non-Violent Drug offenders in Prisons, along with every last drunk driving offenders. (We are going to start DAMM "Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers") You also give ALL THE COLD BEER TO WHO IS LEFT IN CHAINS!!! In YOUR for profit, or any Prison.  They can pick their own Music.

10. You find Carol Roy (Well before she married again that was her name.) in Lemon-minster 01453, and ask her want she wants that City to do for its Twin City Fitchburg?  If this last demand is not met soon, I have no control of what America will reap for what it damn near killed me over!


There will be no Peace in the Middle East or anywhere else, until Israel withdraws to the Pre-1967 Borders.  Withdraw all aid to Israel until they agree.


If you do on act on every last one of these words, you will end up sleeping, for a 1000 years, with THE-MEDIA-RIGHT-STORM, that cost me my Abbey Road Condo, and damn near killed me, but DID KILL AND OLDER BROTHER AND A 22 YEAR OLD Nephew.-my brothers only son!!!

(The powers that be, had better pay back for the lives that their stumbling blocks have been destroying.  They have 70 weeks, which has been decreed in Daniel 9, from the date of Marie & mine Wedding Day of July-11-2012, or Babble-on will have fallen, and we all should know what happens in that hour.)

They had best do the bidding of the many, not just the few.

Michel Cheverie Dewey

Date of Birth 12-14-1957

(7-18-2012 edited out F- words on 7-25-2012 at Club Forties, (in Lemon-minister,01453) around 6 to 8:PM, while outside smoking with Friends).

 ''An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." --Thomas Paine  (Correct me if I am wrong, but these here solutions sure sound to me like corrective justice, for the powers to be to make up for the stumbling blocks they have put before the people.  Who said 2000 years ago,

"'Woe to those from whom the stumbling blocks come, who cause the little ones to stumble?''

As Arlo Guthrie sings in this song "Major Blues' "Day may come when this country needs a helping hand & "they' want mine, I'll tell them buddy just get in line.  When my baby comes back crying for her lover is no longer around, I'll kick that smart ass out the door.  Sometimes I don't believe in nothing, sometimes I do, that's why it hurts to believe in "them.'

You can find out all you need to know about me on my MySpace Site:

http:/'/myspace.com/spaceoutlaw9 or http://my.care2 .com/leoburg or http://www.youtube.com/user/forty911 

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In another life back in the 80s in my 20, had worked as IBEW Union Electrician in a good part of this land. And the Union Brothers taught me well about how things should work for the regular Folks. My Number 9 dream is to fulfill Isaiah (more...)

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