As everyone knows,
By Destroying the Gulf,
Republicans kill two birds
With one stone:
Bye, bye "Drill Baby Drill Palin
With her Teabag baggage
And Prozac Gaze,
And Bonsoir to "You'll Never Be A Cowboy" Obama,
Who could be a damn good cowboy,
If he would strap on his guns.
Depressing.Oh, it's a corporate conspiracy of curmudgeon proportion.
Coming soon! Huge corporate bailouts on way for hemorrhaging oil industry, probably with presidential coup by Dick Cheney himself. Wherever Cheney lands, mysterious black drippings, know as Crap Circles, cover the homeland. Are these work of aliens?--or loose bowels blowouts of compromised Republican think tanks?If you think this is crazy, ponder this: Who would destroy the Twin Towers merely to jump start the engines of war, and fire up the machinations of complete economic collapse, including corporate bailouts of unprecedented proportion, that would propel as-yet-to-be-named-children-of-billionaires into positions of probable board room prominence? These positions as yet have not been advertised in on-line jobs available listings.
Does it matter if crazy corporate czars could contemplate such conspiratorial travesty?--Because, somehow, someone already did!
Meanwhile, the one state likely to revolt"
Jazz Capital of the World,
New Orleans,
Will soon be a toxic waste dump,
And sink slowly into the sea
Aided by corporate-supplied lubrication,
And global-warmed hurricanes,
Blessed by Republican Denial
And Neglect.
America awake!