This is part one of the transcript of my interview with Robert Steele.
Here's the link to the podcast.
Rob: Welcome to the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, WNJC 1360 AM out of Washington Township reaching Metro Philly and South New Jersey, sponsored by And if you can't listen to all of this interview on the radio you can go to to get a podcast version of it or go to iTunes and look for my name Rob Kall, K-A-L-L.
My guest tonight is Robert David Steele. He's a former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, former Marine, and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity. He's the author of Open-Source Everything and numerous other books, and he's Amazon's number one non-fiction book reviewer.
Thanks for coming on the show Robert.
RDS: Glad to be with you.
Rob: So I just want to make clear, you're website is
RDS: '.net'
Rob: '.net' Okay. Okay. And can you...I was doing research on you and on LinkedIn you say you're "Seeking collaborators and sponsors to create the World Brain Institute and a comprehensive architecture for migrating from a 20th Century model focused on war, the one billion rich, and corrupt capitalism, to a 21st Century model focus on peace, the five billion poor, and the creation of infinite wealth for all -- a prosperous world at peace." Now that's a job-seeking description you don't see everyday.
RDS: No, the hope is that the first person to volunteer has $100 million dollars.
Rob: So, and I want to start by quoting...taking the quote that you finish your book with, "Connected, we are one." It's a great quote. So I call my show Bottom Up Radio Show because I believe we're in a transition from a top-down to a bottom-up world culture way of doing things. And I'm going to throw some topics that I'm interested in because I've listened to you do a question and answer session, and you have such a wealth of information I'm going to kind of hand it over to you and every now and then kind of direct you, but I'll throw some topics that I'm interested in and I think you'll be interested in: Bottom-up and Top-down, and related topics like hierarchy, horizontalism, centralization, decentralization, diversity, monoculture, domination, civilization, indigenous culture, Ed Snowden, Dan Ellsberg, Thomas Drake, William Binney and other whistleblowers, the commons, Psychopaths, sociopaths and predators, the police state, trust, truth, transparency, impeachment, Republicans and Democrats, wealth inequality, the 99% and one of my topics -- debillionairization of the planet.
RDS: Well that last...
Rob: Go ahead.
RDS: What was that last topic?
Rob: I've written for a couple years about the idea of no more billionaires -- debillionarizing the planet.
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