Broadcast 10/2/2012 at 12:11 AM EDT (158 Listens, 156 Downloads, 1832 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Greg Palast is the author of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits (out on September 18), Vultures' Picnic and the New York Times bestsellers, Armed Madhouse and T he Best Democracy Money Can Buy.
Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.
Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida's voter rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.
Palast directed the US government's largest racketeering case in history--winning a $4.3 billion jury award. He also conducted the investigation of the Exxon Valdez on behalf of the Alaskan Natives.
I spend almost an hour talking with Greg about his newest book, Billionaires and Ballot Bandits. And we got into something very interesting-- that there's a war between two kinds of billionaires-- The vampire squids and the Vultures.
very rough interview notes (a transcript will be available soon)
John the snake Paulson--
There's no such thing as a victimless billionaire.
37 billionaires supporting Romney
About 7 supporting Obama.
They make money when jobs die. They all bet on the collapse of the economy and helped the economy collapse.
How do they make it on the collapse?
Paul the Vulture Singer used incredible financial flim flam to end a cholera epidemic in the Congo.
He is outlawed in UK, China, Germany-- still operates in the US.
What's your take on Eric Holder and Obama's DOJ. I've said Holder is the worst AG in recent history.
Eric Holder is AG for the rich.
37 billionaires. Restore our Future-- group--
What do you mean that billionaires are swiping the election?
22 million voters have had their registrations purged from the voter rolls.
about 3 million are legal american Citizen voters who had votes challenged by
Femist or voter trust
What can people do to prevent the theft of the election download the poster-- get the election condom.
1-make sure you are registered.
How do you check to see if you are properly registered?
Can you register on-line?
In CA 42% of registration forms were rejected by Republican Secretary of State.Nearly half a million voter registration forms thrown in the garbage.
Is this legal?
Most targeted suppression-- native American vote. Will cost Dems senate via Nevada.
Talk about e-voting. The US has lost its reputation as a place where honest voting happens.
Why didn't the Democrats, when they had control of the house, senate and white house, get rid of E-voting?
Talk about the Obama billionaires. You said there are seven of them-- you have a chapter-- Pennies from heaven, about Penny Pritzker and Robert Rubin.
Larry SUmmers
Tim Geithner
War between main line banister billionaires and Hedge fund billionaires.
Why do the banker billionaires think that the hedge fund billionaires are trying to tear down the world economy?
Singer buys bonds at pennies on the dollar.
Sucker Squids vs Vultures
those who keep you alive to suck your blood vs those who want you to die and eat your carcass.
So, we have sucker squids and vultures-- How do we have a human race that gets rid of the vermin of the financial world?
Get rid of billionaires.
New World Order"
Is this guy Singer a criminal in any nation?
outlaw in other nations.
So, Singer is a wanted criminal in other nations and is giving huge amounts of money to Romney?
Pritzker's bank name Superior?
What about MEK being taken off the terrorist org list?
This has been one of the more deeper, one of the more substantive conversations I've had since we've issued the book.
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Read it top to bottom or you just don't know what's going on.
Greg Palast, NY Times bestselling author of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits. Investigative reporter for BBC, Rolling Stone, Guardian
Size: 27,745,920 -- 0 hrs, 57 min, 48 sec