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The No Billionaires, De-Billionairize the Planet Crusade

Series Created By Rob Kall (46 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

From flickr.com/photos/47422005@N04/7495921588/: Sheldon Adelson - Attacking the White House

Billionaires are freaks, economic mutants that are extremely dangerous to democracy and the middle class.  Some of us feel it is time to make it illegal and impossible to be a billionaire. 

I've also created a Facebook group to support the conversation about getting rid of billionaires, here

Related Topic(s): 2012 Senate Race; Big Business; Disruptive Technologies; Dynasty Dynasties; Restoratice Justice; Richard Mourdock


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 11/29/2010 End Dynasty Welfare. Start the "Dynasty Tax" (View How Many People Read This) 19 19 Comment Count
2 Article 05/05/2011 "De-billionairize" the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 74 74 Comment Count
3 Poll 05/11/2011 Time for De-Billionairization? (View How Many People Read This) 101 101 Comment Count
4 Article 05/13/2011 What If I Had a Billion Dollars... and What If You Did? (View How Many People Read This) 27 27 Comment Count
5 Poll 03/20/2012 Should We De-Billionairize America (View How Many People Read This) 52 52 Comment Count
6 Article 04/10/2012 A Little Hope, A Lot of Doubt and the .001%-- the REAL Enemy (View How Many People Read This) 31 31 Comment Count
7 Article 09/17/2012 Contemplating Reparations and Punishments After We Win The Class War (View How Many People Read This) 49 49 Comment Count
8 Podcast 10/02/2012 Greg Palast: The War Between the Billionaires (View How Many People Read This) 11 11 Comment Count
9 Article 10/03/2012 Calling Out and Challenging Evil... While We Still Can (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
10 Article 11/05/2012 Interview Transcript: Greg Palast: The War Between the Billionaires, And Election Theft (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
11 Article 11/06/2012 Right Repudiated; Romney, Aiken, Allen, Billionaires, Mourdock, McMahon, Walsh Defeated (View How Many People Read This) 44 44 Comment Count
12 Article 11/06/2012 Part 2 Greg Palast Interview Transcript: The War Between the Billionaires, And Election Theft (View How Many People Read This)
13 Article 01/03/2013 Crazy For Change-- Debillionairizing America, Eliminating Dynasties (View How Many People Read This) 70 70 Comment Count
14 Article 01/05/2013 Building the No Billionaires/ Debillionairize Campaign (View How Many People Read This) 33 33 Comment Count
15 Article 03/12/2013 If I Were A Right Wing Billionaire (View How Many People Read This) 30 30 Comment Count
16 Article 10/26/2013 Billionaires Are Dangerous to Humanity, Dangerous to the Earth (View How Many People Read This) 240 240 Comment Count
17 Article 11/25/2013 Dynasties Are Un-American. Get Rid of Them (View How Many People Read This) 36 36 Comment Count
18 Article 01/23/2014 Treating Extreme Wealth As a Disease (View How Many People Read This) 43 43 Comment Count
19 Article 01/25/2014 Needed: A Science, Economics and Lifestyle of SMALL-- It's Time to Face Reality-- Too BIG is Too Dangerous-- (View How Many People Read This) 83 83 Comment Count
20 Article 02/09/2014 Monuments Men, Gestapo Generals and Billionaires (View How Many People Read This) 67 67 Comment Count
21 Podcast 02/12/2014 Noam Chomsky; On Hopeful News, Billionaires and Psychopaths (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
22 Article 02/13/2014 Chomsky on Billionaires, Wealth Inequality and How Aristotle and Madison Dealt With Them (View How Many People Read This) 49 49 Comment Count
23 Article 03/05/2014 One Step to De-Billionairize America-- Prevent Inheritance of Billions (View How Many People Read This) 19 19 Comment Count
24 Article 04/22/2014 The Class War's Front Line Should be Eliminating Billionaires From the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 29 29 Comment Count
25 Article 04/26/2014 Oligarchs, Billionaires, Uber Wealthy are Killing Capitalism-- They Are Dangerous (View How Many People Read This) 61 61 Comment Count
26 Article 06/26/2014 Lawrence Wilkerson Intvw Transcript 3: (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
27 Article 12/25/2014 Billionaire Sentenced to Five Years in Prison (View How Many People Read This) 22 22 Comment Count
28 Article 03/06/2015 Facilitating a Disruptive Emergence To Replace the Existing Elite System Running the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 34 34 Comment Count
29 Article 04/03/2015 A Weird, Crazy Idea: Make Extreme Wealth an International Crime (View How Many People Read This) 132 132 Comment Count
30 Article 04/06/2015 Answers and Thoughts on Wealth Re-distribution and Distribution (View How Many People Read This) 60 60 Comment Count
31 Article 04/09/2015 Bad Billionaires-- The Most Dangerous Predators On The Planet (View How Many People Read This) 27 27 Comment Count
32 Article 05/18/2015 Mega-Psycho; When The Most Successful, Smartest Psychopaths Go Bigger-- Think Pyramids (View How Many People Read This) 32 32 Comment Count
33 Podcast 12/08/2015 Chuck Collins- Wealth Inequality, Billionaires and Psychopaths (View How Many People Read This)
34 Article 12/17/2015 More Proof of the Danger of Billionaires-- Adelson Buys Las Vegas Review-Journal (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
35 Article 12/20/2015 Chuck Collins -- Wealth Inequality. Billionaires and Psychopaths; Interview Transcript (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
36 Article 10/23/2016 Busting Big and Billionaires-- ATT's merger, Adelson's Endorsement Via Bought Newspaper (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
37 Article 05/02/2017 Now, Do You See Why We Must Make Billionaires Illegal? (View How Many People Read This) 21 21 Comment Count
38 Article 08/05/2018 Apple's Value Tops $Trillion: Why It's Bad (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
39 Article 02/05/2019 First Step to Debillionairize the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 22 22 Comment Count
40 Article 10/16/2019 Steps To Remove Billionaires (View How Many People Read This) 51 51 Comment Count
41 Quicklink 10/16/2019 Billionaire Tom Steyer agrees With Bernie Sanders That Billionaires Should Not Exist (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
42 Quicklink 10/23/2019 Should billionaires, who own more wealth than half the world's population, exist? (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
43 Article 11/09/2019 How to Actually Drain The Swamp (View How Many People Read This) 75 75 Comment Count
44 Article 02/16/2020 A Plague of Billionaires-- The Most Dangerous People on the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
45 Article 02/18/2021 Pay for Biden's $1.9 Trillion Relief Plan With Dynasty Taxes (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
46 Article 04/25/2022 Don't Sanction Oligarchs, Erase Their Existence Including Elon Musk (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count

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