Broadcast 2/8/2017 at 4:25 PM EST (37 Listens, 17 Downloads, 1304 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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I talk to Marianne Williamson about about Sister Giant, Course in Miracles, Miracles, Faith, God, protest, Trump, Trump Supporters, Bottom up, leadership, the fact that we're in an .all hands on deck. moment.
Marianne Williamson is an American spiritual teacher, author and lecturer. She has published eleven books, including four New York Times number one bestsellers. She is the co-founder of The Peace Alliance , a grassroots campaign supporting legislation to establish a United States Department of Peace . The New York times called her a self help guru
A quote from her book A Return to Love, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure," is one of the most oft-quoted passages of our time.
While I've known of Marianne for a long time, and even called into her talk show about 10 or so years ago, I just met her face to face this past weekend at the Sister Giant conference she co-organized in Washington DC, where speakers included Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich Cenk Uyghur, Thom Hartmann, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jean Houston Zephyr Teachout, Ari Berman, Pramila Jayapal and Robert Thurman twitter hashtag #sistergiant
Last, Marianne gives a talk that is live streamed every Tuesday. between the live attendees and the people watching the live stream, over 10,000 people watch it.
Please start off telling us about Sister Giant and how people can access the video, and your future plans for citizen events
Please tell us about the Course in Miracles and your relationship to it.
a course in miracles is a psychological mind training, no religion, no dogma. Is based on universal themes and rules that rule the entire universe just like gravity, thermodynmics there are laws that rule the inner life.
Law of cause and effect.
Law one every thought creates form on some level.
Every thought that creates love is a thought that is true to who we are.
When you think a thought of love you are literally co-creating with god.
The universe is both self organizing and self correcting.
miracles are natural. When they don't occur, something has gone wrong.
You refer to a collaborative matrix by which we serve the whole. I call my show the bottom up radio show. If you can tie bottom up and top down ideas, that would be great.
Tell us about miracle thinking. At your conference, speakers like Cenk Uygur spoke about miracles.
What would you say to people who care about making change happen but who don't see a spiritual, miracle connection to it.
How would the Course in Miracles guide activists and people who want to help make this nation and this world a better place?
You talk about love a lot. How does that fit in.
Size: 27,723,568 -- 0 hrs, 57 min, 0 sec