"Here are a few big deal political maneuvers that haven’t received the reporting—or an outcry from a distracted public—that they need and deserve; in dozens of less-noticed ways Trump's administration is advancing its extreme agenda & doing real damage that has received little attention. In normal times, these actions likely would get more coverage, and that points to a problem of access to vital information as citizens and activists try to adjust to the daily tectonic shifts of Trump. (I.E. The Office of Pesticide Programs—which last year received 30 % of its operating budget from the pesticide-manufacturing industry—canceled the E. P.A. proposed ban of chlorpyrifos a common pesticide used on crops that was derived from nerve gas developed by the Nazis.“Chlorpyrifos has been shown beyond any shadow of a doubt to damage the brains of children, especially those of fetuses in the womb,”