Devadal Increase in U.S. Life expectency at birth (Image by Unknown Owner) Details DMCA | Fully Rejuvanating bodies two to four times for life extension to 180-280 years is not far off.
Let me describe a conceptually simpler brute force approach to life extension. This approach can be more easily understood as how it could work for getting lifespan up to 150 or even 250. I call this approach the full Frankenstein or the fully rejuvenated body transplants. I will make the case and propose that 1. Alzheimers and dementia is defeatable. 2. Complete Spinal cord repair is achievable. 3. Further advancement of robotic surgery can the lower cost and improve the speed and precision of complex surgery. 4. There is advancement of cooling the body for safer surgery that last many hours with a stopped heart 5. Need to work out the immune system transfer so that anti-rejection drugs are not needed... |