"Why 'emergency'? Because words matter. To preserve a livable planet, humanity must take action immediately. Failure to slash the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere will make the extraordinary heat, storms, wildfires, and ice melt of 2020 routine & could 'render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable,' warned a ScientificAmerican article." A global consortium of news outlets aims to improve reporting on the climate emergency, & released a statement urging journalists to treat their coverage of the rapidly heating planet with the same same level of urgency & intensity as they have the pandemic. U.S. government scientists said last week that "carbon dioxide levels are now higher than at anytime in the past 3.6 million years," with 2020 featuring a global surface average for CO2 of 412.5 parts per million (PPM)—which very likely would have been higher if not for the pandemic."