Copyrighted Image? DMCA | Schools today are tracking students far beyond George Orwell's wildest fears. In addition to their grades and test scores, students generate thousands or more data points over the course of each school day. When it comes to surveillance, the NSA is getting schooled by the education technology industry.Vendors are eager to get your child's name, address, grades, records, interests, and hundreds of other personally identifiable bits of data. We thought our children's data was confidential and protected by federal law, but as Haimson and Strickland explain in this article, this is no longer the case because the U.S. DOE revised regulations in 2008 and 2011 to make data mining possible without parental consent. Now Congress is revising the privacy law, but it is inadequate to protect children's privacy. Here's what needs to be done to stop the commercial invasion of children's privacy... |