Law profs: the Constitution means whatever we say it means ? David ...
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"Mr. Trump chose to run for president; he won and is about to assume office as the most powerful man in the world. His responsibility now is the American people, not his family or his companies. Americans expect better of their elected officials. He must face the fact that independent nonpartisan bodies like the Office of Government Ethics are not out to get him; they are here to help him govern according to the rule of law. He has done nothing to live up to the responsibilities of his office. When negative news stories surface, he goes on the attack and said that the release of the unconfirmed memo was a smear akin to “something that Nazi Germany would have done.” Mr. Trump’s brush with rumor and innuendo is nothing like their experience. It is something he has brought on himself by running a campaign of disinformation rather than making full disclosure to the American people."