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Netanyahu's corruption investigations: Government as a crime organization?

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Joseph Zernik
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On such background, left-wing MK Ilan Gilon's (Meretz) sent in late February a formal request to AG Mandelblit: "to apply the Fighting Organized Crime Act (2003) in the Netanyahu cases. A crime organization is 'a group of persons, associated or un-associated, which acts in an organized, systematic and continuous pattern, to commit crimes'. Is there any other way to describe the conduct of Netanyahu and his associates as it is exposed?" [ix]

US Ambassador Cunningham's 2009 cable, published by Wikileaks, posed similar observations as a question: "Israel: A promised land for organized crime?"

Netanyahu's incitement against the law and justice system appears to be working -- galvanizing his support-base among right-wing voters, and polarizing Israeli society even further than usual. [x] In December, such tactics were uniquely demonstrated in a bizarre show of support by a group of settlers' rabbis, who were summoned by Netanyahu for that purpose. [xi] These constituents feel that Netanyahu is uniquely qualified and time-tested for his ability to resist any international pressure, aimed at a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

To anyone who has carefully monitored the Israeli justice system, there is no surprise in the recent developments. Overall review of the law and justice system in Israel over the past couple of decades shows routine leniency, or even patronage of senior state officers' corruption. At the same time, harsher and harsher measures are imposed in order to suppress protest against corruption and stifle freedom of speech. [xii] The latest UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review of Israel (2018) incorporated the Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission with the following note: "... serious deterioration in integrity of law and justice agencies" the validity and integrity of any legal and judicial records of Israel should be deemed dubious at best." [xiii]

Poll after poll indicate that the vast majority of Israeli public has lost trust in the law and justice system. Media acknowledged in the past "collapse" of the Israel police, following a series of corruption and sex scandals involving senior police brass. [xiv] The current novelty is in mainstream media's acknowledgment of corruption of the courts as well.

In parallel, notable public figures make statements that government corruption in Israel has reached the level of an existential risk. [xv] These statements are prompted in particular by the investigations into vast corruption in military-procurement programs. However, such investigations are under a "gag orders" by the courts for months -- a measure that appears to be primarily intended to keep the public in the dark and prevent a massive public protest. [xvi,xvii] In parallel, senior state officers, including Supreme Court Presiding Justice Hayut and President Reuven Rivlin, have expressed their concerns regarding "revolution", or "winds of revolution" in Israel, [xviii]

Combined, the circumstances indicate failure of the political system, or a constitutional crisis in a nation with no constitution (Israel is noted for the fact that during its 70-year history it has failed to draft and pass a constitution).

The circumstances are clearly tied to the 50-year occupation of Palestine, oppression of the Palestinian people, and land-grabbing on a vast scale. All these actions require perversion and subversion of the justice system in order to provide a legal fig leaf. At the same time, a large part of the Israeli public fully supports such corruption -- as long as it is directed against the Palestinians. Many are also willing to tolerate government corruption in Israel itself, as long as government continues its staunch position regarding the ongoing occupation or annexation of Palestine, and its generous support for the Jewish settlement in Palestine and their expansion.

The current crisis is still brewing, and Israel is yet to experience its full impact. Based on performance over the past two decades, the system is unlikely to be able to address its own failures. The remedy may come only in response to intense outside pressure -- once the US, AIPAC, and US-based Jewish plutocrats (such as Sheldon Adelson) stop meddling in Israel's affairs. Any true solution of the current crisis in Israel would require a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a major effort at public education relative to human rights, the rule of law, and the fundamentals of civil society. It is a task for decades, or generations to come.


i 2018-02-20 Netanyahu Confidant Suspected of Offering Judge Top Post to Nix Case Against Sara Netanyahu | Haaretz


ii 2018-02-22 Opinion President of Israel's Supreme Court Should Resign | Haaretz


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