[The following article utilizes religious allegory to deliver a powerful message. It is not the author's intent to persuade anyone along religious lines, and the author's religious beliefs are not the foundation upon which his logic is based.]
A pack of ravenous wolves hides in plain sight among our flock of sheepish innocents, always stalking us, always waiting for an opportune moment to strike. In spite of her prominent position as vice president, KamaLa Harris is quite the elusive ravening wolf and a master of ambiguity.
Likewise, former President Donald Trump is a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing. He is the most ravenous wolf, out of all the wolves to wear fleece. Either Trump is working with the #EstablishMent, on behalf of the #Ment, or he is the biggest #Useful_Idiot in the history of useful idiots.
Either way, the outcome is the same, and #WeThePeople lose equally as much with a Donald Trump presidency as we lose with a KamaLa Harris presidency.
Did you know that Trump signed #EO_13773, in 2017, giving the FBI access to the NSA's #Unwarranted #MassSurveillanceData? That's not a very #AntiEstablishMent thing to do.
Meanwhile, the #EstablishMent, which #Proclaimed Trump to be a #RussianAsset and a #ThreatToDemocracy, #Allowed Trump's administration to have that #CentralizedPower for most of his presidency.
That's not something the #EstablishMent would #Allow if it really viewed Trump as a #Threat to democracy (or even a #Threat to #TheMent's own existence).
#KillTheUniParty #MAGAantiMAGAparty #NonviolentResistance
For more details about #RavenousWolf_DonaldTrump, click #Here.
Ravenous Wolf KamaLa Harris is equally responsible for the overturning of #Roe_v_Wade by polarizing the issue, pushing the #LiberalOvertonWindow toward the tolerance, support, and legalization of #PostFetalViability, #ElectiveAbortions.
This campaign resulted in several states loosening restrictions on #ViableFetusAbortions during the 2016 election, and it had a profound reactive impact on pro-life advocates, along with making some people consider a pro-life ethic for the first time in their lives.
Being an appointed officer within a Catholic men's fraternity and having been raised between Philadelphia, Bucks, and Schuylkill Counties, in Pennsylvania, has ensured a lifetime of prolonged exposure to some of the grisliest, most conservative Catholics on the planet.
Still, even among this demographic, the outright reversal of #Roe was considered to be #Fringe before the 2016 #Weaponization of #PseudoFeminism. This weaponization enflamed the preexisting polarization of society by falsely inferring that increased access to #ViableFetusAbortions in some way upholds the rights once guaranteed by #Roe_v_Wade, rights which did not extend beyond the point of viability.
The information below is intended to present a counter argument to liberal talking points regarding very specific issues related to #ViableFetusAbortions and is not intended to be a "dog whistle" for an outright ban on abortion. Please try to bypass any potential negative sentiment or prejudice against the Catholic faith and its adherents when forming an opinion about the author's personal viewpoint.
Additionally, most discussions regarding reproductive freedom are focused on politicians taking away a woman's right to get an abortion. *But what if the conversation were to shift in such a way that class issues were taken into consideration as well? What if no woman ever had to put off child rearing in order to have a successful outcome in life? Why isn't that part of the discussion about reproductive freedom as well?
Although she and her supporters claim that #VP_Harris does not want abortions to be performed "up until birth", the Vice President has refrained from making specific responses to questions about her stance on the issue.
The #Innuendo of her #Ambiguity is itself partially responsible for the partisan divide that has distracted working class Americans from joining bipartisan coalitions to effect progressive change - and the #Innuendo of her #Ambiguity is likely to have been designed for that purpose.
A prime example of the elusive ravening wolf KamaLa Harris utilizing #Ambiguity as an evasive maneuver comes from the CBS News Face the Nation article #Kamala_Harris_says_GOP_claims_mischaracterization (below)
"When 'Face the Nation' moderator Margaret Brennan asked Harris what week of pregnancy abortion access should be cut off, the vice president repeatedly said 'the protections of Roe v. Wade' need to be put back in place, but did not directly answer the question."
With all of the misinformation [coming from both the pro-life and pro-choice advocates] regarding #ViableFetusAbortion laws, it can be difficult to discern the facts. #VP_Harris and others have used ambiguous language to infer that revising the law to be more permissible of #PostViability #ElectiveAbortions is in some way upholding the rights guaranteed by #Roe_v_Wade, even though the legality of #ViableFetusAbortions is technically a #Loophole in US law, not the true spirit of the #SCOTUSruling.
#Roe guaranteed a woman's right to have an abortion up until the point of viability, but it did not guarantee a woman's right to have an abortion after the point of viability. There is no federal law on the books, nor is there a #SCOTUSruling with regard to #PostViability abortions, which leaves the procedure in a limbo of sorts, neither protected nor banned under the law.
Still, saying that you're not trying to do anything that did not exist under the protection of #Roe would be intellectually dishonest if you're also pushing for things that were not protected by #Roe (or making ambiguous implications of such a push to foment hostility with the opposition).
The passage (below) from CBS News Face the Nation article #Kamala_Harris_says_GOP_claims_mischaracterization illustrates the #BlindSpot/#Misdirection created by many pro-choice advocates regarding the rate of #AbortionsLaterInPregnancy.
"'. . .they say that allows Democrats to perform abortions up until birth,' Brennan said, noting that the claim is not statistically accurate. In 2020, less than 1% of abortions were performed after 21 weeks and a majority were performed before 13 weeks. . ."
#StatisticalAccuracy, #MinuteFraction, #LessThan1After21
Placing the focus on the insignificant figure of #ViableFetusAbortions being a #MinuteFraction of the total number of abortions helps to divert attention away from the issue at hand:
Post-viability, elective abortions are in fact taking place, and legally so.
It is true that many pro-life advocates conflate terms like #LateTerm (clinically defined as "beyond full-term", greater than 41 weeks gestation) and #FetalViability (generally considered 24 weeks, but the record is 21 weeks gestation, #CurtisMeans).
It is also true that, in some states, there are no restrictions preventing #ViableFetusAbortions at 21 weeks gestation, and beyond. Additionally, comparing the number of #ViableFetusAbortions to the total number of annual #Abortions is disingenuous, as this proportion is not a demonstration of #ViableFetusAbortions being #Rare.
But calling out this insignificant figure (#LessThan1After21) is beneficial to the #EstablishMent because doing so reinforces the #5D_WebOfLies.
#21weeks, #LargelyArbitraryCutoff, #CurtisMeans
Even though the #NationalCatholicRegister has a #ProLife perspective, and the newspaper presents its #ProLife opinions along with the facts, the facts presented by the newspaper do tend to be accurate. As of the 2024 #POTUSelection, nine states have no law on the books to prevent #ElectiveAbortions at #AnyStage of pregnancy.
KFF, formerly known as the Kaiser Family Foundation (#Kaiser #KFF), #ClaimsToBe "a non-partisan source of facts", and, interestingly, "Unlike grant-making foundations, Kaiser develops and runs its own research. . .sometimes in partnership with. . .major media companies." In a February, 2024 publication, #Abortions_Later_in_Pregnancy_in_a_Post_Dobbs_Era, KFF contributors Ivette Gomez, Alina Salganicoff, and Laurie Sobel wrote:
"Abortions occurring at or after 21 weeks gestational age are rare. They are often difficult to obtain, as they are only available in a handful of states, performed by a small subset of abortion providers and are typically costly and time-intensive. Yet, these abortions receive a disproportionate share of attention in the news, policy and the law."
#AbortionsLaterInPregnancy might make up a small percentage of all abortions, but that does not make them rare. While #LaterAbortions are more difficult for some Americans to obtain, New Jersey residents (and people willing to travel to NJ) have full access to #AbortionsLaterInPregnancy.
CARE (Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence) even advertises access to #LateTermAbortion, a compound which "has no clinical or medical significance" according to #ACOG (see below). It would appear as though CARE is using "late term abortions" to represent abortion after 27 weeks, as opposed to #ACOG's "late-term abortion" definition of 41 weeks (a procedure that reportedly does not take place in the US).
Still, #CAREprovides "Induction Abortion Care Up to 35 weeks" instead of providing cesarean sections that spare the life of the viable human offspring. Thirty-five weeks is only two weeks away from being considered an early-term pregnancy.
In reference to #FetalIndicationAbortions, if a child was born two-weeks premature, would it be considered ethical to terminate that individual's #Life because the person will have serious medical complications for #Life, a #Life which may be short-lived? Because, in essence, that is the justification for #FetalIndicationAbortions, abortions later in pregnancy.
According to CARE, "The induction abortion ends with the start of labor and delivery of a stillborn." But the clinic does not explain how a viable [and in some cases 35-week gestation] fetus becomes "stillborn", particularly since an #IntactFetusCranium at that stage of development cannot pass through the #ArtificiallyDilatedCervix #Unscathed.
"We provide assistance to women in New Jersey with late term abortions, third trimester abortions, abortion after 27 weeks, maternal indication abortions, fetal indication abortions, and birth control."
- Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence
The #KFF article (#Abortions_Later_in_Pregnancy_in_a_Post_Dobbs_Era) continues:
"In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has written that 'late-term abortion' has no medical meaning. As such, this brief discusses abortions occurring at --21 weeks gestation as abortions later in pregnancy, but it should be noted that 21 weeks is a largely arbitrary cutoff based on how the CDC collects data on abortions. Abortions at this stage in pregnancy are sometimes referred to as 'later abortions' by the medical community as well."
Very interesting how the so-called #NonPartisanSourceOfFacts that #DevelopsAndRuns #ItsOwnResearch and #PartnersWith #MajorMediaCompanies claims that #21weeks is a #LargelyArbitraryCutoff.
Most people would not consider the life of #CurtisMeans, the world's "most premature baby" according to #GuinnessWorldRecords, to be a #LargelyArbitraryCutoff, so why would anyone refer to this #Stage of #FetalDevelopment as such?
Apparently, Ravenous Wolf Harris weaponized the office of California Attorney General, back in 2015 - see Marjorie Dannenfelser quote from the 2016 Politico article by Eliza Collins, #Anti_abortion_groups_call_on_California_attorney_general:
"'The fact that Ms. Harris is seizing private property of a pro-life California activist who has exposed horrific practices conducted by Planned Parenthood, which donated thousands to her last campaign, while her Senate campaign promotes and defends them -- the nation's largest abortion provider -- is a conflict of interest and abuse of government power,' Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement, referring to Harris' current run for the U.S. Senate."
David Daleiden, the "pro-life California activist" whom Dannenfelser was referencing in the statement above, is best known for having secretly recording abortion providers back in 2015. This appeared to be an attempt to expose the abortion providers for the profit motive created by the alleged harvesting and illicit sale of human #FetalTissue. Daleiden is still under litigation in 2024.
According to #Planned_Parenthood_Fact_v_Fiction, there is no profit motive behind the organization's fetal tissue research:
"Planned Parenthood affiliates that participate in fetal tissue research 'recover only their costs, as allowed under the federal law and our [Planned Parenthood's] guidance.'"
It really doesn't matter whether or not there is a #Profit #Motive behind fetal tissue research because there is definitely a #LimitedSupplyOfFetalTissue #Motive, which does create a conflict of interest within the nation-state (more on this below).
Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization which both: 1.) receives federal funding ($553.7M, FY 2014-15; see #CRSreport below), and 2.) consults women on "making a decision about an unplanned pregnancy", should not be involved with the fetal tissue donation process in any way, shape, or form.
In fact, the organization should not be allowed to receive federal funding because the federal government itself has a conflict of interest with regard to the unplanned pregnancy consultation process and the state's scientific research program. Plus, the United States Government has a long track record demonstrating a complete lack of trustworthiness (e.g. Project Artichoke, MKUltra, COINTELPRO, Operation Northwoods, Tuskegee Experiment)
#CRSreport: #Factors_Related_to_the_Use_of_PPAHCa_and_FQHCs
Also, according to #Planned_Parenthood_Fact_v_Fiction:
"There is no credible evidence that Planned Parenthood doctors change the method, timing, or procedure of abortions solely for the purpose of obtaining fetal tissue in violation of federal law."
But, hypothetically speaking, if this kind of crime was taking place, where exactly would the "credible evidence" for such a crime exist? Would it exist?
Please refer back to the nation-state's conflict of interest created by Planned Parenthood's federal funding and unplanned pregnancy consultations, in addition to the limited supply of fetal tissue that is available for medical research - which is also funded by the federal government.
The state funds the abortion providers and the medical researchers who utilize fetal tissue, and there is a limited supply of fetal tissue available for said research. Planned Parenthood consults women who are undecided as to whether or not they should terminate their unplanned pregnancies, and the organization receives federal funding.
The federal government is more concerned with optimizing research output than making the best decision for the pregnant woman and the unborn fetus growing inside her womb, which is where the conflict arises.
The state is what creates this particular conflict of interest, and the state has an interest in defending its own capabilities, not ours. The culture of death is a product of capitalism which manifests in deaths of despair, tolerance for unjust war, and misconstruing the objectives of class struggle. This leads to the paramount question:
How prevalent would elective abortions be in the absence of exploitation that only exists because of capitalism?
The Realignment
There has been a #Realignment of the #TwoParties (AKA #TheUniParty), which started around 2016. And this realignment has been #Instrumental to #MaintainingPublicSupport for the #TwoPartySystem, along with the #DissolutionOf:
#ElectionIntegrity, #LaborProtections, #UnalienableRights, #PeaceAndDiplomacy #EtCetera.
This #Maintaining of the #PartisanDivide could not have been accomplished without the #Support of #fmrPresidentDonaldTrump and his #Presence in the #PoliticalArena. The #PolarizingAntics of #VP_KamaLaHarris, along with several members of the so-called Congressional #Squad have also been #Instrumental to #Maintaining the #PartisanDivide.
Donald Trump waited to enter the #PoliticalArena until a time when the #Zeitgeist was #Changing, when the #OldPartisanLines were becoming #LessRelevant and the #Focus on #ClassLines were becoming #MorePrevalent.
After entering the #PoliticalArena, Donald Trump's enflaming rhetoric has #DividedTheNation, once again, #AlongPartisanLines. . .
- thus dividing the #WorkingClass along partisan lines. . .
- thus defeating any #Bipartisan progressive momentum.
Donald Trump and KamaLa Harris are Ravenous Wolves of the same pack, and they're not here to play nice. It's time we wake up to this reality and stop following the fruitless path of partisanship being promoted by the Ravenous Wolves.
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