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1.) Five-Dimensional Web of Lies

Domp Filanowski
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EstablishMent Web
EstablishMent Web
(Image by Dominic Filanowski)
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The coercion of the masses to vote by mail is an existential threat to democracy. This is not a baseless claim (more on this below, #Insecurity).




Changing the public's voting practices in such a way that has no perceivable benefit (other than to dismantle election integrity) follows a pattern whereby the #EstablishMent #UniParty utilizes psychological warfare (#PSYWAR) in the form of #IdentityPolitics to goad both group identities into bypassing their critical thinking skills in favor of partisan identity, #PartisanID.


#IdentityPolitics (above): in the form of left-right identity - as opposed to demographic or ethnic identity - but the former is a reflection of the latter


#BothGroupIdentities, #UniParty, #MAGAantiMAGAparty, #PartisanID




The #Insecurity of #USPS_DropBoxes may not provide the #Means or #Motive to commit election fraud, but they do provide an #Opportunity that does not exist within the confines of #TraditionalPollingPlaces (e.g., #SchoolBuildings, #Firehouses, #Libraries etc.).


In Pennsylvania, a swing state, voters are being told by "get out the vote" campaigns (#GOTV #GTFO) that #USPS_DropBoxes, along with #BallotDropBoxes created specifically for the purpose of securing absentee ballots, are safe enough to be used in sending out their absentee ballots. However, in their bid to pass #SenateBill1200, PA Senate Republicans have made a compelling case that the #BallotDropBoxes themselves create an #Opportunity for election fraud.


The bill must not have passed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives because the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's website (#PAdotGOV) says, "Pennsylvania voters have options on how to return their mail ballot: by mail, at a drop box, at their county election office, or other officially designated location." Due to all the gaslighting since 2016, even PA Republicans are divided on the issue of absentee ballots (#PA_Republicans_Are_Divided).


Additionally, there have been ongoing reports about people breaking into #USPS_DropBoxes to commit #CheckFraud (#2022; #2024). These are the very same #USPS_DropBoxes proclaimed by #GOTVcampaigns and the #CommonwealthOfPA to be safe and secure enough to store absentee ballots after the #GenPop (general population) was persuaded by the #EstablishMent's psychological operation (#PSYOP) to cast their vote early because of a pandemic that ended years ago. Ironically, most, if not all #TraditionalPollingPlaces are more accommodating to social distancing than the grocery stores where most absentee voters shop.


The justification for absentee voting en masse never made any sense whatsoever, and it makes even less sense now that #SARS_CoV_2 has entered the #EndemicPhase. Able-bodied absentee voters are simply trading #ElectionIntegrity for #Convenience.




#PSYOP: the Anti-Defamation League website states "Conspiracy theorists have co-opted the term to suggest that various conspiracy theories and world events are fomented by the government and global elites to distract 'truth seekers' and sow confusion".


It is true that many people misuse terms like #FalseFlag and #PSYOP, in addition to arriving at false conclusions based on making assumptions without having any supporting evidence. In all likelihood, the reason so many people jump to such conclusions is because 1.) they perceive the way in which historic events have been distorted in the 21st century and 2.) the way in which this distortion has led to authoritarianism.


The limited context of #ADL's descriptions for both these terms would make it appear as though the United States Government does not have a history of utilizing #PSYOPs and #FalseFlags in such a way. However, #OperationNorthwoods and #CoIntelPro are not conspiracy theories but historic fact.




Although the absentee ballots were designed to be #TamperResistant, it is highly unlikely that anyone has invented an envelope which is one hundred percent #TamperProof. Chances are, the very same people who are skilled enough to get away with check fraud would be capable of using steam or a solvent to open both the #InnerYellowEnvelope and the #OuterWhiteEnvelope before either altering the ballots or switching them out and then resealing the envelopes with a touch of glue.


If the presumption is that nobody could have tampered with the absentee ballots, who is going to inspect them for evidence of tampering, and how well are they going to do this inspection? Once the ballots are officially opened, counted, and #Stored in a secure location, would any potential evidence of ballot tampering still exist (assuming the fraudulent ballots were replaced by #PeopleFromTheInside with access to official ballots - more specifically, replaced by people with connections to #PeopleFromTheInside)? Are both the #InnerYellowEnvelope and the #OuterWhiteEnvelope - stored with the ballots they once contained and separated from other ballots - for future reference (not likely so)?


The main difference between desolate #USPS_DropBoxes and #TraditionalPollingPlaces like #SchoolBuildings, #Firehouses, and #Libraries, is that the latter would be more difficult to break into without getting caught.


This is not baseless. It's common sense.


The motives of anyone telling you otherwise are questionable to say the very least. Some people are just #Useful_Idiots, but others do have nefarious intentions, the #PeopleFromTheInside. The previous comment was not meant to disparage any of the #Useful_Idiots out there because #EverybodyPlaysTheFool (#NoExceptions). Also, there are plenty of regular, benign people who are unaware of the fact that their coworkers are the #PeopleFromTheInside.


The widespread issue of #USPS_DropBox tampering does not apply to #TraditionalPollingPlaces. There is no widespread issue with #Libraries being broken into, so that thieves can gain access to secure documents being stored within said buildings. The #EstablishMentSlogan parroted by #Useful_Idiots online is that if #USPS_DropBoxes are secure enough for people to file their income taxes, then they ought to be secure enough for people to send out their absentee ballots. Perhaps these people should consider the fact that the #USPS_DropBoxes are not secure enough to safely mail checks the next time they file their income taxes.


#Useful_Idiots, #EverybodyPlaysTheFool, #NoExceptions, #ConscientiousEffort, #OvercomeOnesBias


#ThisIsNotA #BaselessClaim.




Former President Trump did in fact make a #BaselessClaim regarding the outcome of the 2020 election, the supposed #Occurrence of election fraud which was #Widespread enough to #ChangeTheOutcome of the #2020POTUSelection in Joe Biden's favor #HavingTakenPlace. The #InfluxOfAbsenteeBallots, along with the #LackOfAccountability created by insecure #USPS_DropBoxes do, in fact, enable election fraud, but there is no evidence to support the specifics of Donald Trump's #BaselessClaim.


Along with #MainstreamLiberalPundits, the #Democrats did, however, #Conflate Trump's #BaselessClaim with the #LegitimateConcerns of the #Potential for election fraud due to #USPS_DropBoxes lacking the level of security that #TraditionalPollingPlaces have (on a #SingleNight; maybe a few days, tops before the #PaperBallots, or print-outs, are collected). Several mainstream media outlets have reported on these concerns, directly referring to them as baseless.


#Again, #ThisIsNotA #BaselessClaim.




Did you know that Trump signed #EO_13773, in 2017, giving the FBI access to the NSA's #Unwarranted #MassSurveillanceData? That's not a very #AntiEstablishMent thing to do. Meanwhile, the #EstablishMent, which #Proclaimed Trump to be a #RussianAsset and a #ThreatToDemocracy, #Allowed Trump's administration to have that #CentralizedPower for most of his presidency. That's not something the #EstablishMent would #Allow if it really viewed Trump as a #Threat to democracy (or even its own existence).


Trump also pushed for #BigBrother_REAL_ID, provided MAGA support for USMCA/NAFTA2.0 after shutting down the TPP (#SIPAZ_FullArticle; #Domp_ExcerptFrom_SIPAZ_Article), and he started pushing for absentee ballots in 2024.


#DJTrump is a part of the #EstablishMent.


During the #2024_PresidentialRace, Former President Trump started pushing for #TeamMAGA to use widespread absentee ballots, something that negates Jill Stein's #2018_WinInPA_Court, requiring a #SecurePaperTrail to provide #Accountability for #ElectronicVotingMachines.


#EVM_AccountabilityOrNoEVM #VoteOnElectionDay #LocalPollingPlace


#RecountLawsuitPennsylvania, #Recount2016, #2018Settlement, #ElecionIntegrity, #PaperBallotAccountablilty




There has been a #Realignment of the #TwoParties (AKA #TheUniParty), which started around 2016. And this realignment has been #Instrumental to #MaintainingPublicSupport for the #TwoPartySystem, along with the #Dissolution of #ElectionIntegrity, #LaborProtections, #UnalienableRights, #PeaceAndDiplomacy #EtCetera.


This #Maintaining could not have been accomplished without the #Support of #DonaldTrump and his #Presence in the #PoliticalArena. The #PolarizingAntics of Vice President #KamaLa Harris, along with several members of the so-called Congressional #Squad have also been #Instrumental to #Maintaining the #PartisanDivide.


Former President Trump has been a perfect tool for the #EstablishMent's social engineering campaign - by using #ReversePsychology on #TeamAntiMAGA - and by utilizing #LiteralPersuasion and #AppealToAuthority on #TeamMAGA.


#ReversePsychology #TeamAntiMAGA

#AppealToAuthority #TeamMAGA

#MAGAantiMAGAparty #UniParty


In other words, #fmrPresidentDJTrump has #IMTS (#InverseMidasTouchSyndrome) for #TeamAntiMAGA, and he has #MTS (#MidasTouchSyndrome) for #TeamMAGA. Everything #DJTrump touches turns into, well, toxic waste (or 24k gold, depending upon the partisan bias of the observer).


#IMTS, #InverseMidasTouchSyndrome, #TeamAntiMAGA

#MTS, #MidasTouchSyndrome, #TeamMAGA




Please do not allow the #UniParty to #Dismantle #ElectionIntegrity by misdirecting the public with weaponized partisanship.


#UniParty #MAGAantiMAGAparty

(Article changed on Nov 06, 2024 at 2:04 PM EST)

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