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My Encounter with Ukrainian-American Nazi Mark Paslawsky: What He Died For

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George Eliason
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"Nationalism is the love of country and the willingness to sacrifice for her...A person brought up in Ukrainian Nationalism will make a 100 percent better AMERICAN CITIZEN than one who is not."

"Was it nazism, or fascism that guided Washington, Lincoln, or other statesmen to make the U.S. a world power? Or was it American Nationalism?"

For generations in America and around the world, children were brought up to be soldiers to fight against the enemies of Ukrainian Nationalism. According to the OUN's own texts, Nationalism has as much of a problem with democracy as it does with communism. Democracy cannot share the same space as fascism. Ukrainian scouting was used as a vehicle to teach Ukrainian nationalism in America. From the time they are children, they are taught that Nationalism is superior to democracy, and the need change countries like America into Nationalist states.

Paslawsky grew up in this environment. Every person in the emigre population was enlisted to push western countries, especially the US, into a war with Russia.

Paslawsky grew up in a culture that identified Southeast Ukraine as impure. Ethnically it is Ukrainian-Russian. The UPA's Roman Shukevych's solution to this "Russian" problem was to kill every inhabitant in the region. This hatred for Russians is ingrained in emigres from the time they can talk. Shukevych's solution is part of Ukrainian Nationalism's ideology.

' He really hated the Russians . "We all hate the Russians." Vice News article and video by Simon Ostrovsky glorifying the actions of a murderer of women and children like Paslawsky has taken this across the pale. Paslawsky has been part of Donbas Battalion, and genocide is what they do. Its all they do.

The Propaganda

Everything Edward Snowden warned the world about is in play in Kiev's media war. With the help of the US, Kiev is trying to dominate the internet by dominating internet search information. This observation by one of the best professionals in the Search Optimization field sums up the propaganda war concisely:

photo ann smarty

I would like to meet Simon Otrovsky and let him know on a personal level what a real American thinks about propagandists that cover up genocide and glorify murderers.

My Encounter with Mark Paslawski

I live inside the area that was called the southern pot when Kiev controlled it. The regular army (Ukraine) were gentlemen while they were here. They were supposed to root out local separatists (people that took part in the May referendum for federalization), and I was told by a local official that the army sent a report to Kiev stating all these people had left. The one thing they kept making clear was they were not going to hurt the locals.

Within a week, hundreds of national guard conscripts started setting up camp at Zelenapolea, which is next to us. The conscripts were mostly kids that only a few weeks before were at home. They had little to no training. The number grew quickly and Pravy Sektor set up a base a few towns away from us.

After the Zelenapolea camp was set up, Pravy Sektor moved in and started patrolling our streets for several weeks. That's when the tone changed. We started getting the patrols from the punisher battalions that came into town a few times a day to resupply. Transportation was stopped.

They kept their weapons leveled at everyone walking by them on the street, including women and children.

They came at regular hours, so we simply avoided them, but towns near us were turned to ash and people living in them killed. There were no fighters there, just civilians. After they bombed a nearby town with phosphorus, one of the national guard commanders told a town official that our town wouldn't be touched. The official asked sarcastically "W hat, like last night? That town is ashes." The commander's response was "They were just unlucky."

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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