The Second Amendment - A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The right to bear arms was clearly protected in order that the states could protect themselves with an organized militia. From what must the states protect themselves? Having only just freed themselves from a tyrannical centralized government in the form of the British Crown it is pretty clear the intent of the founders was to enable states to protect themselves from any future central government. None of the wording suggests that the intent was to enable individual citizens to protect themselves from bears, outlaws or state governments.
Given that, especially after the civil war, state governments are no longer feasible agents of protection for individual citizens from the power of the federal government it seems reasonable that the right to maintain the means to protect themselves from potential federal tyranny should be allocated to groups of individuals formed into orderly militias.
In order for this intention of the founders to be realized the means of protection must be credibly feasible to contest the power of the federal government. While a militia armed with rifles in 1790 could potentially prevail against federal forces, guns and assault weapons are clearly insufficient for such a militia to prevail against today's US armed forces.
Therefore, I hereby suggest a modest solution to this constitutional mandate that has been eviscerated by the evolution of federal and state powers and of the technology of modern warfare.
Every militia organized anywhere in the US should be given the means to defend itself against any tyrannical activities indulged in by the federal government; i.e., each militia shall be provisioned with a set of medium-range mobile missiles, MIRV, tipped with hydrogen warheads capable of destroying Washington, DC (militias in Hawaii and Alaska will be provisioned with long-range missiles), and Winnebago campers with which to tow them.
Or maybe just arm bears...