You sir are a FASCIST! To deprive ordinary Americans of access to the last bastion of FREE AND UNFILTERED Speech ... That IS TWO WAY speech, not merely listening to the "Corporatist" propaganda.... This decision is the final nail in the coffin of America... and you sir are holding the hammer. What a POS you are! John Russell, Dade City, Fl
White House Comment Line 202-456-1111
U.S. House and Senate Line (ask for the Senator or Congressman's Office) 202 -225-3121
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From Huffington Post
Late Monday, a majority of the FCC's commissioners indicated that they're going to vote with Chairman Julius Genachowski for a toothless Net Neutrality rule.
According to all reports, the rule, which will be voted on during tomorrow's FCC meeting, falls drastically short of earlier pledges by President Obama and the FCC Chairman to protect the free and open Internet.
The rule is so riddled with loopholes that it's become clear that this FCC chairman crafted it with the sole purpose of winning the endorsement of AT&T and cable lobbyists, and not defending the interests of the tens of millions of Internet users.
Welcome to AT&T's Internet
For the first time in history of telecommunications law the FCC has given its stamp of approval to online discrimination.
Instead of a rule to protect Internet users' freedom to choose, the Commission has opened the door for broadband payola - letting phone and cable companies charge steep tolls to favor the content and services of a select group of corporate partners, relegating everyone else to the cyber-equivalent of a winding dirt road.
Instead of protecting openness on wireless Internet devices like the iPhone and Droid, the Commission has exempted the mobile Internet from Net Neutrality protections. This move enshrines Verizon and AT&T as gatekeepers to the expanding world of mobile Internet access, allowing them to favor their own applications while blocking, degrading or de-prioritizing others.
Instead of re-establishing the FCC's authority to act as a consumer watchdog over the Internet, it places the agency's authority on a shaky and indefensible legal footing -- giving ultimate control over the Internet to a small handful of carriers.
White House Comment Line 202-456-1111
U.S. House and Senate Line (ask for the Senator or Congressman's Office) 202 -225-3121