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I am a Nationally Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner/ARNP with an MBA in Health Systems Management and a former financial advisor Series 7 and 63. I was the Democratic Nominee in both 2006 and 2008 for Florida's 5th District U.S House seat in Florida. I ran as a No Party Affiliation candidate for U.S. House District 12 in 2012.
Please consult my website http://www.johnrussellforcongress.com for detailed info about myself and my positions on the issues.
I am interested in speaking credibly and forcefully on what I believe are the most important policy issues to ordinary Americans at the present time. Today the economy and a corrupt bipartisan scam is underway, the end result of which will be lives lost along socio-economic lines as a result of planned policy changes designed to protect the top echelon at the larger expense of a diminished economy overall and opportunity for a new shared prosperity.
In addition, given my experience in elective politics I will continue to speak out on the issue that in reality trumps ALL other matters political and that is Fair Elections. 2012 provided some interesting experiences and evidence that should give pause to anyone who hears my story from this latest election.
We must fight to expose the root cause of poor government and "corporate skuldugery" and that is the Lobbyist gun that is to the head of every elected official which of course is the Lobbyist checkbook.
Unless we take matters into our own hands we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Discussion of my election contest in 2006 appears on page 375 of Mark Crispin Miller's revised edition of "Fooled Again."
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, December 31, 2012 The Rush To "The Cliff," The Deception vs Unspoken Alternatives
This article represents an expansion of the views delineated in my recent article on the Fiscal Cliff. In this article I compare the massive sales promotion of impending danger to that of the sales pitch that we hear as the functionaries push our nation toward war. Rather than blindly accept the propaganda I propose rationale solutions for a better country going forward that will broaden and strengthen our economy for all.
(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 27, 2012 Fiscal Cliff My Ass The "Shock" is Worth The Drop!
I describe the real genesis behind the so called nonsense of The Fiscal Cliff and its solutions. It's about YOU/ME US dying sooner and how the poweers that be are going about doing just that in the interests of generating fiscal savings and further concentration of economic and political power at our collective expense.
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 31, 2011 Health Care Reform It's True Meaning
As a health care provider (ARNP), I am in a unique position to see and understand the problems inherent in our present system and what health reform means to us as patients and providers coming down the pike. An improved Medicare that permits ANYONE of ANY age to buy-in affordably is the ONLY solution that is right for both the American People and those of us who provide that care.
(18 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 21, 2010 America vs FCC and Chair Julius Genachowski A CALL TO ACTION!
Today, the FCC votes on a Pseudo Net Neutrality action. We must stand up against the FASCIST Chair Julius Genachowski and hold him and the President accountable for this nail in the coffin of Free Speech. Contact Info provided to take action! John Russell
SHARE Sunday, April 25, 2010 Congressional Candidate Statement On The Financial Crisis Sept. 28, 2008
A comparison of one 2008 congressional candidate's response to the economic meltdown in September 2008 with the writings of Professor Robert Reich appearing in rcent articles authored by the famous economics professor. To the administration... "Where's the BEEF?"
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 14, 2009 A Second Great Depression? You Decide!
A discussion of the parallels present in our economy today and what were also present in the 1930's. Are we about to experience more DEEEPression medicine? A recent and important article by Princeton economist Paul Krugman points out the folly of too little action.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Wall Street Bailout Must Be Subject to Conditions
John Russell, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress, District 5 Florida who is challenging a strict Bush adherent throughout her six year tenure writes a press release outlining his principles for any bailout of Wall Street. Russell above all seeks to protect the taxpayer.