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So, a third person has been beheaded. It's nauseating. But worse is how these deaths will be used by their governments. It's well more than a year that I recall Obama insisting Assad be removed. He wanted to bomb Syria he said because their leader was committing atrocious acts like chemical weapons against Syrians. Which America has also used multiple times. It seemed a rather strange coincidence that immediately after drawing the line in the sand at chemical weapon use, Assad did exactly what would bring the wrath of US upon him. BS. Though not well publicized, it turned out it wasn't Assad at all but more than likely rebels, that the US with the chemical weapons. Thankfully, the people didn't buy it and our President was stopped from bombing. Today people are even more war weary and have no intention on supporting more attacks. So, US will use any means necessary to get the people behind the war. I'm guessing beheadings will do it. Even Obama opposers will insist he take care of the people killing Americans or make America appear weak.
The first time he got close to invading Syria it was the Russian President and other cabinet members going to the press every day calling out Washington on their lies. They were insisting invasion would not be tolerated by Syria's allies. So, up against Russia and the American people, he had to back down.
Since that time, Obama along with his propaganda machine we call main stream media, have been focused on convincing Americans and European people that Russia is the enemy. Beginning with the crap about how awful the Olympics were in this "underdeveloped faux democracy". Then, came Ukraine. When the first visible trouble started there it seemed odd to me. What struck me first was that most "protesters" seemed to be wearing the same hats and coats. It didn't look right. Also I didn't see any women. Then, media started talking about the brutality of police against "peaceful protesters" while I'm watching those "peaceful" protesters light people on fire and hit law enforcement with whips and chains on TV. Once the democratically elected President was run off and it was revealed that the people taking over were well-known politically active Nazi members it was very clear to me that this was another American coup.
Worst of all was the shock and bewilderment at media and governments, in US and Europe. They are actually supporting and arming Nazis. I felt as though I had woken up in the twilight zone. How could Europeans support Nazis who, not all that long ago attempted to overthrow their own countries as well? Even Jews seemed strangely silent on the matter.
All of this is absolute lunacy and extremely frightening to me. The superpowers want war and will stop at nothing to get it.
They have taken care of the Putin obstruction so all that stands in their way is the people.
We've had American and British murders on video for world to see. I imagine a French victim is next. This is nothing more than a horrendous, mass manipulation of emotions. They are manipulating our emotions AGAIN to head into war. Before long the people will demand invading any and all countries sheltering terrorists and mark my words, Syria will be included.
The people who are quick to demand revenge for these killings need to realize that if we condone violence anywhere we condone it everywhere. If they'll do it with you they will do it to you. We can see how little our leaders care abut American lives with just the incarceration and police brutality statistics. We must oppose violence in any form and remember we reap what we sow.