GaGa Symphony Orchestra
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Carlo Alberto Cazzuffi, Author: Carlo Alberto Cazzuffi) Details Source DMCA
So a flash mob rose at the symphony in St Louis. It was absolutely priceless. Words don't even communicate the spark of hope that comes when you see others caring as much about injustice as you do. These are the kind of people peace prizes should be given to. The little people who risk themselves for others regardless of the consequence. It used to be cops that did that. Now they just shoot. So much for thinking what cops do is courageous. When you are allowed to kill with impunity who needs courage? Why risk anything if I can just shoot someone you feel intimidated or uncertain of?
When exactly did the rules about policing go out the window? Today police have many more non lethal weapons at their disposal but they seem to choose the gun first. Are they on some crazy ego trip or are they just cowards? I bet if somebody did some research they would find that the people that want to be cops now were bullied or mistreated in some way that made them feel powerless. Because they aren't joining the force to protect and they aren't joining for the money. It's very ironic to me that this Blue Line thing works so well. Courageous people stand up for what's right regardless of their peers opinions. Clearly there are no courageous cops any more. There is definitely a bit of psychosis involved in beating down a person who has the courage to be moral. How is that justified in their minds? Right to the top. Cops protect cops at any cost. Which is exactly what allows police brutality to continue to get worse and worse.
If a cop knew his partner would tell the truth no matter what, there would be far fewer innocent victims.Since that obviously is not going to occur, they should be required to partner with a camera. A camera tells the truth period. And if you have a problem having a truthful partner, it is only because you intend to do things that would not be considered acceptable to the public. A camera will protect the officers as well. How many more have to die before we insist cops be heald to a very strict standard when it comes to deadly force? While I believe things will change somewhat after the Ferguson shooting investigation is complete. It will not be on a big enough scale to deal with the enormous problem in all law enforcement.
And until the police are required to wear cameras, and the media pays attention, we must be the truth tellers. We must be the media. Film police encounters anytime something seems unusual or unethical. They have nothing to fear if their intentions are good right? We will have to be more courageous than them for the time being, and we are already seeing that in Ferguson today. Props to the symphony mob. It was beautiful and inspiring and had a tremendous impact on those who witnessed it.