This guy just can't be real, with his glasses sliding down his nose like some pretentious political sage of the 21st Century.
And then the talk. Are we EVER going to return our country to pre Ronald Reagan, when people talked about "issues"? Reagan smirked his way to the Presidency with Hollywood mannerisms. Clinton is not a professional actor (thank God!), but he's certainly Obama's mentor (or is he Obama's "brain"), and teaches his disciple to talk, blather, babble, free associate, jabber -- ANYTHING BUT ACT.
Obama/Clinton (or is it Clinton/Obama?) are "talkers". That's what they do and that's ALL they do.
But of course "talking" is all the right of center scabs and enablers of America are willing to endure. The tragedy is that the elites and religious psychopaths of America (and its suck up "ally") are so out of touch with reality the rest of the human race has to deal not with only their unwillingness to initiate decisive action, but with their INABILITY initiate decisive action.
Clinton's DLC (his "castle") stands for Defective, Lobotomized, Cattle, and is the putrid underbelly of "The Haves". Without millions of lobotomized cattle, The Haves would have no social acceptance. One should never underestimate how much an enabling spouse is ultimately responsible for the immeasurable suffering in a textbook dysfunctional family.
Well, the United States of America is a nation-sized version of a dysfunctional family, and the "elephant in the living room" is clearly "The Haves", and the right-of-center-Clinton-DLC are the archetypal and cowardly enablers.
Basically, America has four groups:
(1.) "The Haves"
(2.) Clintonesque enablers and scabs
(3.) Pug tentacles of The Beast
(3.) . . . and all the rest of us.
This is the ultimate two-sided coin. Haves on one side and enablers on the other side. And it can't be said strongly enough that no enablers, no Haves. That's why Bill Clinton and his army of scabs is the belly of The Beast.
It's also why a politically populist or progressive "movement" in America is nearly impossible. The dead weight enablers could sink a planet. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what they are doing with their "behind closed doors" relationship with the elites. For every Rockefeller, there are probably 10,000 enablers of the Rockefeller’s.
So, hopeless?
Yes, TOTALLY hopeless -- so long as we keep playing the status-quo political game. And Obama? Well, to paraphrase the words of Martha in the movie "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?": "We'd divorce you if you existed."
No, (The Haves) + (Clintonesque enablers) = political hopelessness.
However, intelligence is acting even when you don't know what to do. And that means the only game is town is an APOLITICAL GAME.
Politics is now simply running in place. Obama gets blander and blander and blander.
The human race has reached the point that we need to create radically new mechanisms for social transformation.
Can it be done? Of course it can be done. It can be done in countless ways. What we humans do best is quantum jump out of contradictions and dead ends -- which is the status quo world we wake up to every morning.
Unfortunately, this time if we don't "rise to the challenge" we aren't going to have any second chance since the extinction of the human species is imminent (thanks to The Haves and religious fanatics).
No, this time it's "do or die". We've got to permanently transcend politics (i.e., Clinton/Obama, Cheney, the DLC, hog trough pugs, and murder in the name of God religious nut cases), and TAKE CONTROL.
Cindy Sheehan is now publicly and articulately talking about the "R" word (revolution).
Certainly not the only apolitical option, even though it is certainly preferable to 6,000 more years of deadbeats enabling The Beast.
W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
Addendum: The thing about denial is that it ultimately doesn't work. Take denial of death. Does it solve the problem, the "inevitability" of death? Of course not. It doesn't even take death out of your mind, since you have to know what to deny in order to deny it.
So millions of deadbeats (redefined as "centrists", by years of joint efforts of Bill Clinton and George Bush) live in a loony tunes world where genocidal religious fanatics and astronomically rich parasites get to do their thing with total acceptance! The deadbeats are also so brain-dead they just don't get it that the Haves and religious psychos are ALLOWED to exist.
Hey, how about doing whatever we have to do to "DISallow" their existence with radical, apolitical activism. It's time for warrior thinking! The Beast is the beginning of the end of human existence. Killing The Beast would be the beginning of the beginning of human existence
Look, its grade school simple. Are we really going to allow a relative handful (less than 2%) of astronomically rich people, plus scattered sewers of certifiably insane, murder-in-the-name-of-God "religious" people kill the entire human species and much of the miraculous Earth WITHOUT A FIGHT TO THE DEATH???