"April showers bring May flowers" is the old saying
The Soggy Spring becomes the Bright Shining Bounty of Life
We are in Bloom, for sure
Our colors and vibrations sing of the New Earth
We are born Baby-fresh
Our eyes glistening with the clarity of an open loving Heart
Deeply connected to ALL life
Our new buds of Knowing are bursting with new thoughts of Wisdom
Pink on the cocoon edges and blood red of Divine Life within
We are the confident enlightened Essence of sovereignty and uniqueness
Bathed in the glow of galactic stars, moons and suns
Radiating from within
Long strong pillars of emerging support stand
Uplifting our expectant faces to the Sol
As the So(u)l embraces us with her countenance
The world is One.
(c) 2014 Cynthia G. Piano
This poem is dedicated to
those who experience and vibrate the frequencies of the New Earth, already here, in this moment: the
invisible, silent, potent bulbs, who strengthened and multiplied in the darkness
of winter, and now emerge in exquisite glory.
The desired time-line is
experienced without suffering, sacrifice, or patient waiting for
others to catch up. Linear "thinking" was a reality that
passed its "sell-by date," as heartfelt wisdom is now felt to the core,
enjoyed, and shared.
We, and the flowers, are in permanent
peak bloom, in full power, radiating stillness, peace, bliss, and
gentle strength in the rays of the brilliant sun.
This is written for you.
Founder, Oneness House ~ A Spiritual Spa; Writer, Visionary, co-creator of the New Earth, Spiritual Mentor, Inspirational and Transformational Healer/Teacher/Speaker.
Awakening and exploring with others to the beautiful, free, loving (more...)