Founder, Oneness House ~ A Spiritual Spa; Writer, Visionary, co-creator of the New Earth, Spiritual Mentor, Inspirational and Transformational Healer/Teacher/Speaker. Awakening and exploring with others to the beautiful, free, loving creators that we all are is her lifelong work. She feels that empowerment and freedom to create one's life, with harm to none, is the most important lesson of the Earth. Assisting and Consulting the individual or the business, with a work herstory in education, large and small corporate processes, sole-proprietorships, and self-development, Cynthia has experience with many environments, structures and personalities. Joy, fun, honest exposure, and dedication to simple truth are the methods used to propel people and businesses to success and happiness. She also deeply reveres the Earth, the Animals, the Plants, and all of nature. A sincere love for the planet and all with her was developed by extensive travel and study with native shaman, priests, kahuna, and other sacred teachers. Gently caring for and nurturing each other and the environment with total respect, creating peace and harmony with freedom, are her goals. Ease, comfort, enlightenment, growth and grace characterize the environment of Oneness House ~ A Spiritual Spa, the place of ahhhhhhhh and ah-ha! Relax into the human angels you are!
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