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General News    H4'ed 9/28/18

Brett Kavanaugh's Birth Chart Says It All

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Cathy Pagano
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[This is not a full astrological reading. Just a quick take on Brett Kavanaugh's birthchart. I'm sharing it because Rob Kall asked me to!]

Brett Kavanaugh's Solar Birth chart
Brett Kavanaugh's Solar Birth chart
(Image by Cathy Pagano)
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I love how Astrology works so well at describing our life energies and our experiences. It's up to us to choose how we deal with these experiences. Our chart helps us to meditate on Fate and Free Will! But it also describes our character and when our 'issues' come up.

Where the planets are now effect our natal planets (transits) and Brett Kavanaugh's birth chart shows a few telling transits. We don't have his birth time so the Moon's degree will be different as well as his ascendant from the chart below, which is a solar chart.

The Moon symbolizes our unconscious character and behavior patterns. BK's tears come from having a Cancer Moon, which can be very emotional when under attack and can turn nasty -- watch out for those claws. Caroline Casey once relayed this quote: A Cancer is just a Scorpio in a housecoat! Cancers can be very nasty when they defend their territory. They can get very aggressive and angry. And with Saturn in the opposite sign of Capricorn, it's a very limiting and frustrating time for him emotionally. He's been prepped for this job for years, and now it might all be slipping away.

There's also transiting Jupiter in Scorpio on his Scorpio Neptune square to his Aquarian Sun. Neptune can be deceptive and challenging his Sun can suggest a secret addiction. The emotional truth of Scorpio confronts his idealistic Aquarian Sun. His own shiny image of himself is being held up as a shadow mirror to him. Sometimes the Shadow hurts.

He went to a Catholic boys high school. An exclusive school. Of course they got sh**faced. Of course he did naughty things. His best friend was an alcoholic -- why would Judge be his best friend if he was such a saint? Teenage boys would not hang out together if one is a lush and the other is a 'virgin' drinker. Please. Use some common sense. They both drank to extremes - as most of the Catholic school people I know did. (I grew up Catholic).

His Mars retrograde in Virgo is that Catholic virgin/whore split going on in him. Saying I'm a "good boy" doesn't cut it. His ego consciousness can't 'see' this split in himself. Do you really think his calendar was going to say -- I drank myself unconscious today? We are known by the people we hang out with -- and when he was younger, he hung out with drunks and misogynists (DKE -- his frat house).

And he's having a Neptune transit to his Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo. "Neptune Opposite Natal Pluto: a great transformation in your personal life that takes the form of disappearances of people, circumstances or possessions that you may have become to accustomed to. It could also involve hidden or secret aspects to your life or circumstances to become revealed." (https://astromatrix.org/)

Also with Neptune in Pisces on his Chiron opposite Pluto (rape, sex, abuse of power), his inner wounds are being exposed. Maybe his soul chose to take on this 'fall' for the white male power-structure.

Let's hope that this upcoming Venus retrograde in Scorpio will continue to bring out the darkness of patriarchy -- so it can be healed. It's a fitting bookend to last October's revelations about Harvey Weinstein when Jupiter first entered Scorpio.

Karma strikes us at the most appropriate moments, doesn't it?

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Cathy Pagano is a spiritual advisor and Jungian psychotherapist, storyteller, author and teacher. She is the author of a book on the return of the Goddess, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. (more...)

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